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In a post early this morning, I noted that in written answers to questions in connection with her confirmation hearings for Solicitor General, Elena Kagan wrote: “There is no federal constitutional right to same-sex marriage.” In response to my post, Allahpundit (here and here), Ann...

Gordon Brown is feeling the wrath of the little and not so little people in Britain, after he called Gillian Duffy a “bigot.” Now things seem to be spinning out of control, as even a Dean at Oxford University has heckled Brown for making the...

Intergenerational warfare is breaking out in Greece as youth blame their elders for the economic mess, resulting from decades of welfare-state policies, that has left Greece bankrupt. I wonder whether the questions being asked by the youth of Greece are the same questions our children...

… if you want to be able to continue using terms like Nazi, Communist and Apartheid to describe the new Arizona immigration law. Or if, like President Obama, you want to claim that the law would allow people to be questioned merely for going out...

Remember when Democrats fell all over themselves trying to prove that Obamacare would not cover illegal aliens? When Joe Wilson shouted “you lie” about coverage for illegal aliens, Obama and Democratic leaders assured the nation that illegal aliens would be excluded. Under the final Senate...

There are many voices of hate, but the voices most ignored by the mainstream media come not from Tea Parties or maligned conservative groups, but from the intolerant left. After someone who did commercial voice-overs for Geico was fired for leaving threatening messages at FreedomWorks...

Move along, nothing to see from the government’s failure as to cancer treatment clinical trials. The clinical treatment system run by the National Cancer Institute has become so burdened with bureaucracy and paperwork that even the Editors of The New York Times are complaining (emphasis...

“Marc Ambinder is the politics editor of The Atlantic. He has covered Washington for ABC News and the Hotline, and he is chief political consultant to CBS News.” Given Ambinder’s shoulder-deep mainstream media plumage, I was shocked to read that Ambinder thinks conservatives have gone...

Oh, the world they live in. Surrounded by enemies, they sit in their guarded lairs waiting for “the other” to approach. And then it happens. The guards are no more, and they must face the menacing horde. Alone with their paranoia and hypocrisy and thousand...

Just a little anecdote about the likely future of Obamacare: I was speaking with a doctor friend earlier today, and the topic turned to Medicaid, Medicare and private insurance reimbursement rates. He told me that Medicare pays him about half what private insurance pays, and...

Dana Lithwick asks What Are Liberal Law Students So Sad About? Her conclusion is that liberal law students are sad because their liberal legal heroes can’t seem to get on the Supreme Court: Since it’s April, and America’s law students have nothing else to do...

In the company of Obama supporters, it’s called “inventing” oneself: Look at how much Barack Obama had to figure out. I mean, he’s born who he is, he can look in the mirror; but it must have been extraordinarily confusing to have this father who...

The ruling Labour Party in Britain has used its control of the National Health Service to help its campaign for the May 6 general election, via the Times of London: Labour was today caught up in a new row over its use of personal data...

The President of Poland and much of Poland’s military and civilian leadership were killed when the presidential plane crashed in Russia on the way to commemorate the massacre of 22,000 Polish officers by the Soviets in 1940: Polish President Lech Kaczynski and some of the...

Definitely a day of F.O.M.S. (fear of missing something). I couldn’t hit the blog during the day today because of meetings, and while I was away, the whole world freaked out. Resignations, arguments, threats, more resignations, and then some: Obama debated Sarah Palin on nuclear...

In 1940, the Soviet Union executed 22,000 Polish officers in the Katyn Forest near Smolensk, Russia. The mass grave was discovered in 1943 by invading German troops, but the Soviet propaganda machine create the mythology that the massacre was committed by the Nazis: In late...

There is plenty of speculation that the Chinese will agree to, or at least not block, new sanctions on Iran. The Obama administration stands ready to claim the credit, but if China comes around, it may be the threat of unilateral Israeli action which made...