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Don’t think government, if given the chance, will try to control the most minute aspects of your life? Don’t worry that once the bureaucracy gets ahold of the right to regulate your health care decisions — starting with what type of insurance you are required...

The Democrats not only are throwing Eric Massa under the bus, they are stomping on his head, ripping his heart out, disemboweling him, and then making him go to Canada for treatment. But let’s rewind a little. Eric Massa was the rock star of the...

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Because men cannot be trusted to use condoms, the District of Columbia will become the first city to distribute female condoms for free (emphasis mine): The District will become the first city in the United States to distribute female condoms free, part of a project...

Adam Gadahn has been captured, reportedly. Good. Period. This is a fight on which we all should be on the same side. But wait for it: This proves Obama’s anti-terrorism strategy is better than Bush’s – What, you mean working with your allies as opposed...

There is no more pernicious aspect of the pending health care bills (Senate, House and Obama “proposal”) than the mandate. The mandate is the provision which requires that individuals purchase private insurance. From that mandate flows a host of governmental controls over our lives, from...

The Southern Poverty Law Center has issued its latest screaming report: “Patriot” Groups, Militias Surge in Number in Past Year. Unfortunately, the hype surrounding the SPLC report is just another indication that SPLC has lost its way and has become a primary source to smear...

Britain’s health care system in many ways is our canary in the coal mine warning us about the dangers of Obamacare. What can and does go wrong in Britain is widely documented almost daily in the British press. From these reports, we learn the danger...

Just when you thought it was over: With speculation mounting that US Representative William D. Delahunt will not seek reelection, Joseph P. Kennedy III, son of the former congressman and great-grandson of the Kennedy family patriarch, is eyeing a run to succeed him in the...

In the midst of whining about how sick and tired she is about progressives who whine, a blogger at Firedoglake writes that progressive activists need to be more like the Founding Fathers: I’m so torqued off right now I could spit. Perhaps it’s because I’m...

The health care fight is coming to a head. We’re in the 15th round, and the health care summit to be followed by budget reconciliation is Obama’s desperate attempt to land a one-two knockout punch because he is down on points. Now is not the...

The pharmaceutical industry is under attack by the Obama administration and Democrats for supposedly obscene profits. Despite the industry’s support for Democratic health care efforts, reached last spring in exchange for certain protections, Obama continues to demonize the industry. Obama’s new plan, rolled out yesterday,...

I really didn’t care when they revoked the claim that the glaciers would disappear. I don’t live near glaciers. But now the seas are not going to rise? My dream of a waterfront home is melting away faster than the glaciers: Scientists have been forced...

Not surprisingly, Scott Brown is a target for Think Progress, which regularly distorts what conservatives say as part of the Democrats’ strategy to paint all opponents as extremist and crazy. TP ran the following headline yesterday related to the attack by Joe Stack who crashed...

“Progressive” bloggers met yesterday at the White House with the “chief economist to Vice President Joe Biden” (who knew there was such a thing? why do we have such a thing?) who told them what Oba-messages to put on their Obamalogs: The basic thrust of...

There is no actual link between Alabama-Hunstville shooter Amy Bishop and the Tea Party movement. By all accounts, Bishop was extremely liberal and a huge Obama fan (to the point of being described by someone who knew her as being obsessed with Obama). But in...

The latest in the “how do they think this stuff up” series, Matthew Yglesias on the new definition of immorality, namely, doing something which hurts the Democratic Party (emphasis mine): Obviously, Evan Bayh’s never been my favorite Senator. And the more one learns about both the...