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The federal government is forcing states and municipalities to change the lettering on street signs from all CAPS to initial Caps because it supposedly is easier for motorists to read, and therefore will save milliseconds of driver attention which might, I repeat, MIGHT, save lives....

Don’t get distracted by all the distractions the Dems are throwing up (pun intended). Keep on message:  The Dems are ruining the economy, suffocating business, stealing from our grandchildren, and trying to control every aspect of our lives. Let the blithering idiots and hacks with...

From the Obama rally at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where hope is still alive, reality prevailed: Emily Lawless, a UW-Madison junior from Lakeville, Minn., waited in line five and a half hours for the chance to see the president live. “You’re not going to remember...

I posted the other day about the race in RI-01, which Charlie Cook has moved from LikelyD to Lean D, The Patrick Kennedy Seat Is In Play Again. I mentioned in that prior post that David Cicilline, the Democratic candidate, is a divisive figure and...

I wasn’t going to post on this, because I figured there had been enough publicity for him already.  But now that I see (via Instapundit and TaxProf) that the controversy has made its way into Forbes and many major websites, I’ll weigh in on the case of...

Harry Reid’s comment that Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand was the “hottest” in the Senate has generated reaction ranging from “there he goes again” to “sexist!“ When I posted first thing this morning about it, I guess I fell into the “there he goes again” crowd (Someone...

On Election Day in November we will have another all-day Live Blog event.  The event will be turned on in the morning, and stay open all day and night until we get returns from Nevada and the West Coast. Those who participated in the Scott...

I know that you realize it, but this is a two-front political war. I have read some profoundly stupid commentary on the right about Christine O’Donnell, pronouncing O’Donnell’s campaign dead because of a sophomoric series of appearances in the 1990s on Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher....

Prior to last week, when is the last time anyone heard of the “Buckley Rule,” a supposed prescription by William F. Buckley, Jr.?  Now it is all the rage for pundits whose man in Delaware lost. The Buckley Rule now rolls off the tongues, keyboards and pens of the...

My first foray into the Delaware Republican Senate primary a few days ago was to make the point that voters should select the candidate of their choice — be it Mike Castle or Christine O’Donnell — and not try to game the overall Senate outcome....

While you enjoyed your long weekend and your soft lives, those of us defending the gates were ever vigilant. In case you missed it, you may want to check out: It’s al-Quds Day at WaPo (feat. George Bisharat) Saturday Night Card Game (NAACP Doubles Down With...

Obama’s line, in his Labor Day speech in Milwaukee before union leaders and a union crowd, that “[t]hey talk about me like a dog,” is getting all the attention. But you really need to read the entire speech.  It is classic Obama, living in a...

Sam Stein writes at HuffPo today that increasingly libertarian social attitudes in the Republican Party combined with the failure of Democrats to live up to campaign promises, has led Democratic Party insiders to worry that “the Obama administration risks losing the gay rights community (or at least...

Nevada journalist and talk show host John Ralston is trolling for Harry Reid.  Ralston published an article in The Las Vegas Sun on Sunday titled Angle in 2005: I would have voted “no” on Katrina relief funds. The article is based on a tape given to...

Obama still is on vacation.  Goodly for him. When do we get a vacation from the Democrats’ relentless expansion of the federal government into every facet of our lives? The massive pieces of legislation passed in the past 18 months were just the opening shots. ...