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Yesterday I posted on the Manhattan Institute’s online magazine, Minding the Campus, which “is dedicated to the revival of intellectual pluralism and the best traditions of liberal education.” The post was in response to the outrage that ensued after an announcement that the African Studies...

Okay, blogging is tough.  We get it.  Great Grandma and Grandpa had it easy, with rotary phones and all (“You mean your Great Grandparents had a phone?”). If I hear another blogger complain about blogger burnout, I’m going to scream: I’m taking the evening off...

In response to a ” a dear friend who runs a large charitable foundation” and who branded the tea party movement “a group of racists, xenophobes and bigots,” Rabbi Shmuley writes in The Jerusalem Post, Why the Tea Party resonates with human dignity: Lost in the...

The U.S. Embassy takeover in Tehran on November 4, 1979, was the start of 444 days which came to define Jimmy Carter.  The U.S. government was revealed to be powerless and the President weak.  Those among us who were alive and conscious during those days have embedded...

I alluded earlier today, in passing, to the idiocy of the left-wing blogs and some mainstream media outlets in making a big deal out of Sarah Palin’s obvious slip of the tongue — corrected seconds later — in referring to North Korea instead of South Korea. ...

Some thoughts, and inviting reader comments, on a variety of topics today (a running list): Happy Thanksgiving to all my readers.  Which is an interesting point, because some of my readers are trolls and nutroot lurkers.  I even wish them a Happy Thanksgiving, because I’m that...

I cannot begin to tell you how much it sickens me that the Southern Poverty Law Center, a group I supported many years ago because of its work against the Klan, has become a key player in labeling legitimate conservative political and religious groups as “hate groups.” I...

Your brain: Their brains at TSA:    ——————————————-Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube

This weekend, I found myself in San Francisco International Airport for a long weekend in the Bay Area. After a pleasant weekend, and then a wait in an egregiously long line, I found myself in one of the famed full body scanners, the subject of...

Via Doug Garrett comes word that the TSA requested that international carriers ban airmail packages headed to the U.S. which weigh over one pound.  Garrett links to this report in the Japan Times: Japan Post Services Co. said it will stop accepting airmail packages bound for...

I posted previously about how Rhode Island Republican Governor Donald Carcieri had issued an executive order requiring companies that did business with the state to use E-verify to verify the immigration status of employees, and also requiring the state police to cooperate with federal immigration authorities. Now...

The Daily Beast and Newsweek are getting married.  How fitting.  The epitome of the new-age left-wing journals which masquerades as quasi-news organization is acquiring (let’s not kid around that it really is a merger of equals) with the dinosaur of left-wing opinion journals which —...

As you know, I’ve been a little out of pocket the past couple of days hanging out at the hospital.  Nice to see that things have remained calm in my absence. My wife had some surgery at a wonderful hospital in Boston with an equally wonderful surgeon.  I...

Well, that was quick.  Keith Olbermann will return to MSNBC primetime tomorrow night, after a long weekend off the air, most of which time he would have been off the air regardless. If Olbermann’s violation of MSNBC’s rules or policies was significant enough to warrant...

In the rush to find “shovel ready” projects at which to throw stimulus money, the feds funded a sidewalk project in Warren, Rhode Island, one town over from where I live. I featured this project in my post in early July, Miles of Sidewalks, and...