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This will be a running list of my thoughts this election day: The Era of Big Legislation Is Over.  Whether it is a small wave, a tidal wave, or a Tsunami today, the age of Obama-ism is over.  Democrats may hang on to one House...

Update 1:30 p.m. – Test over. Everything seemed to work well.  See you Tuesday. Just testing out the new version of Cover-It-Live software in preparation for Tuesday’s Live Event.  The event will be turned live in the morning (probably around 9 a.m. E.S.T.) and remain open...

They were born that way.  They didn’t choose it; no one would make such a choice.  It’s not a lifestyle.  They are entitled to the same protected status as other recognized minority groups.  While the framers of the 14th Amendment may not have had them...

I think a lot of conservatives are afraid to put bumper stickers on their cars for fear of vandalism.  Call it the “driving while conservative” phenomenon; or maybe “parking while conservative.” Vandalism of McCain signs, and houses/car bearing those signs, was widespread during the 2008...

Tuesday, October 26, from 8-9 a.m. (E.S.T.), I’ll be a guest on the Helen Glover Show at Talk 920 AM in Providence, RI, one of the two major talk shows in the Rhode Island / Southeastern Massachusetts market.  You can listen live here. Helen is...

Post-2008, Obama does not have a good record of bringing home the vote for candidates for whom he stumps. This appears to be repeating itself in Rhode Island. As I posted early this morning, Obama is in Rhode Island campaigning for David Cicilline, the Democratic...

Barack Obama, Scott Brown and Michael Steele all will be in Rhode Island today, campaigning for competing candidates in the RI-01 District (my home district, by the way). Obama is flying in for an elaborately catered $7500 per plate fundraiser (menu here) for Providence Mayor David...

On October 20, I published my Top 10 List for donations (not necessarily the 10 most important races), based on the following criteria:  Must be current Democratic seat; must be toss-up or possibility of an upset of a big name Democrat; and must not be...

Why does Juan Williams negatively stereotype oppressed minorities?  Here’s what he said about crime in the inner city: There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery....

Mahmood Ahmadinejad completed his trip to Lebanon.  While almost everyone had anticipated he would be more provocative than usual, Ahmadinejad was merely as provocative as usual.  Ahmadinejad attended a rally about three miles from the Israeli border, but did not approach the border fence as...

NPR is warning its staff not to attend Jon Stewart’s “Restore Sanity” rally.  NPR explains why it issued this warning but didn’t have to issue a warning for staff not to attend the Glenn Beck Restoring Honor rally (emphasis mine): We’ve received enormous attention from...

Because any debate moderated by the MSM is going to be a game of gotcha directed at the Republican candidate.  I just can’t stand to watch these things anymore. And so it appears I was right.  Jim Geraghty, who was no Christine O’Donnell fan during...

Could this be the year in which I completely shed myself of the dubious distinction of splitting the year between Congressional Districts controlled by Patrick Kennedy and Maurice Hinchey? We know Patrick is gone, but are recent reports (via HotAir) of Hinchey’s demise accurate? First,...

I was thinking of holding this one back for a special occasion, but I just couldn’t wait.  If the world were to end tomorrow, I would not want you to perish without having seen this. Sent to me by a reader, this photo was taken in...

Last Sunday I highlighted the famed “Coexist” bumper sticker, which seems to be everywhere (at least in Ithaca, Berkeley and Cambridge). But there are liberal non-conformists out there, who refuse to wear the “Coexist” sticker on their cars just because all their friends are doing...

NPR Will Be the Dominant News Force By 2020: NPR will be one of the dominant forces in media in ten years because their membership-based funding model is finely tuned to the habits of millennial news consumers. That’s the prophecy of Craig Newmark, founder of...