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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



I live in Oklahoma City. I have to say the riots we experienced were tame compared to other cities after the death of George Floyd, but riots and violence did happen. Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater decided to "get-tough" and charge some of the protesters with terrorism, rioting, and assault as a way to stop future riots.

I don't like Van Jones's politics, but I respect him for crossing the line when needed and saying the things that everyone needs to hear. The left first went after him when he dared to say that blacks need to worry more about the "white liberal Hillary Clinton supporter." Now they're attacking for having the nerve to work with President Donald Trump's administration on police reform.

Apparently the left believes that the word "master" has only one meaning and is never / was never used in any other way in the history of the world.  Sigh. I am really just over the crazy, but here we are, now lefties are changing the names of "master bedrooms" and "master sommeliers" and who knows what's next? Master's degrees? MCs at events and in bands? Masterpiece? Master at Arms?  Chess master?

Apparently, the lily white left is so desperate to prove it's not racist and that it's well and truly woke, the wokiest!, that it's hunting for things to rename in the name of looking like they care about anything remotely related to black people.  Like a two-runway airport no one's ever heard of named for an actor the majority of the rioter youth have probably never heard of.

The Islamic Republic of Iran remains the "world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism," the U.S. State Department's annual Country Reports on Terrorism declared. Tehran was "directly involved in plotting terrorism" though its armed wing, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps IRGC and other state-controlled agencies, and had carried out terrorist "plots in recent years in North and South America, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa," found the counter-terrorism report released on June 24.

The War on Statues is not new. In 2017, RebelPundit filmmakers Jeremy Segal and Andrew Marcus followed Chicago community organizer, Paul McKinley, on a tour of the south side neighborhood, Washington Park, where they find local residents opposed to a pastor's calls to remove George Washington's name and statue from the park.