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We predicted this would happen when Hezbollah intervened on behalf of Assad in Syria, including the conquest of Qusayr, and the ongoing battles in Homs and Aleppo. Hezbollah’s chief, Hassan Nasrallah, openly bragged that Hezbollah was in Syria to the bitter end. The death toll...

NOTE – This post will be updated throughout the day, with “breaking” news at the top, other updates below, and the live streams at the bottom: BREAKING – OBAMA STATEMENT – Condemns violence, cancels joint military exercise, but no aid cutoff: Visit for breaking...

Mark Levin’s new book, The Liberty Amendments: Restoring The American Republic is out, and it proposes an ambitious set of Amendments to the Constitution: I undertook this project not because I believe the Constitution, as originally structured, is outdated and outmoded, thereby requiring modernization through...

Just when you thought the Zimmerman case couldn’t get any crazier, here we go. An amicus curiae brief has been filed in support of a motion to re-try George Zimmerman for second-degree murder. The full brief is embedded at the bottom of this post.  (“Amicus curiae”...

Instapundit turned 12 years old this week, and received appropriate accolades. It’s not an overstatement to say that Prof. Reynolds has helped foster and keep up the spirits of the conservative blogosphere, including Legal Insurrection and College Insurrection. Which brings me to a related topic, blogger...

Obligatory. Sweeping the internets, based on Drudge exclusive, not yet confirmed by Fox News: If true, it would mark a shift away from opinion coverage as we approach 2014-2016. If, that is, Hannity is out. .@piersmorgan "Bring it on @megynkelly" – why, do you have...

The pro-Morsi protest that almost was: With an iron will, the People of Egypt will stand up to the military junta.  Here, you troops, here is your Zionist-loving tear gas canister back at you! Our women! Look what they did to our women! Oh Lord,...

Day two in the trial of the accused Fort Hood shooter came to an unexpected halt Wednesday morning, after standby defense attorneys for Nidal Hasan requested to either be reinstated as official counsel or be removed from the case entirely.  The attorneys filed a motion,...

It is perhaps inevitable that comparisons will be drawn between the  recently completed murder/self-defense trial of George Zimmerman in Florida and the just beginning travails of self-defense shooter Merritt Landry in New Orleans. Indeed, I’ve already begun to do so myself (see “Zimmerman Redux: The...