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More violence has erupted in Egypt as thousands of protesters have taken to the streets in rival demonstrations for and against the continued detention of ousted Egyptian President Morsi. From CNN: Massive, rival rallies in and around Cairo ran into the wee hours of Saturday,...

Another in my ongoing posts from Israel: Today we reunited with a family I was close to while a student in Moscow in 1980, and had not seen since 1984 in Moscow.  It was great, and very satisfying.  The parents, now in their early 80’s, have...

First the Teamsters, UFCW, and UNITE-HERE expressed their belated disapproval of the ObamaCare Tax monstrosity, and now the IRS employee union wants to be exempted from Obamacare.  The Teamsters, et al., made points that we’ve been making since 2009, points they willfully ignored and openly...

Another in my ongoing posts from Israel: Today I toured areas of the Western Wall in Jerusalem I had not previously seen. First, the part of the wall to the right of the Kotel (live webcam here) beyond the Mugrabi Bridge, where there are fallen...

While news of a myriad of sex scandals in major American cities offers summer distractions, a few other items caught my eye: With the US Postal service bleeding money after the explosion of social media, the agency is looking to end at-your-door mail delivery: The...

America has been so generally fortunate that we have forgotten what we should have known, and neglected to teach it to our children. It’s like a population that’s not been exposed to certain illnesses and is therefore less able to defend against them. Too many...

Edward Snowden will remain in the transit zone of a Russian airport for now, despite earlier news reports today that he’d received clearance to leave. A lawyer for Snowden arrived at Sheremetyevo airport in Moscow Wednesday, carrying a large paper bag as he walked past...

Massachusetts State Police Sgt. Sean Murphy was placed on restricted duty today, after he released photos of the capture of Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to a magazine in protest of the recent Rolling Stone cover. From Boston Magazine: Sgt. Sean P. Murphy, the 25-year...

Much has been made lately of the self-defense legal doctrine of Stand-Your-Ground, mostly for political purposes unrelated to any actual legal application of the doctrine (for more on this, see here: Stand-Your-Ground: Gun Control Zombies Exploit Grieving Black Community). Stand Your Ground Does Not Make it...

Today, I had the great pleasure to meet three of the Israeli bloggers we link to and write about, on my road to Jerusalem. We took the ride from Tel Aviv to Petah Tikva, one of the earliest Jewish towns, where we met Anne from...