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The jobs report released today is “good” news compared to what has been. 165,000 net new jobs were added. That’s good. Approximately 230,000 net new jobs would need to be added just to keep pace with population growth, so we’re still not actually growing the...

The “unemployment rate” is a number which increasingly is just political, as we have the Obama-phenomenon of large numbers of people leaving the workforce thereby dropping the “unemployment rate” since people who leave the workforce don’t count as unemployed. Long ago a reader predicted the...

An important premise of “The American Dream” is that a college education guarantees a successful career. However, that dream is slipping away — unless being a coffee shop barista is the job goal.  Ben Casselman of the Wall Street Journal takes a look at a...

The University of Virginia expects to incur a $7 million bill from Obamacare’s employer penalties, said Susan Carkeek, the University’s vice president and chief human resources officer. “We’re expecting fairly significant cost implications from the Affordable Care Act that pass on new penalties and charges,...

As noted the other day, Hostess is seeking lidquidation of its operations rather than trying to emerge out of bankruptcy as a going concern because it could not negotiate the union concessions it said it needed. But there may be a White Knight on the...

The Bureau of Labor Statistics released September jobs numbers showing the unemployment rate dropping to 7.8 percent, below 8 percent for the first time in 44 months. In addition, employers added 114,000 jobs in September. James Pethokoukis of the American Enterprise Institute referred to the report...

James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas has released a new video that exposes unions willing to dig holes and fill them in again against the backdrop of the farce that is Obama’s “shovel-ready jobs” agenda. The video, “Legislators, Union Bosses Seek Funding for Digging Holes and Filling...

Governor Walker leads Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett by six percentage points– 50 percent of likely voters over Barrett’s 44 percent– according to a poll released today by Marquette Law School. Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch leads challenger Mahlon Mitchell by six percentage points as well, garnering 47...

There is a new jobs report out, with the usual caveats that the work force is shrinking, but the nominal unemployment rate is down to 8.5%.  That’s the number which counts politically. The rate would be 10.9% if the same number of people were in...

Spotted by the wife about two blocks from our house in Ithaca.  She was surprised I had not spotted it yet. Actually I had, but if I took the photo and posted it, there would be hell to pay.  But since she took the photo...

Sad news.  Steve Jobs has died, not long after he resigned from Apple. My prior post about Jobs, An Apple what if. An American corporate hero.  He will be missed.  

… Reid blocks attempt by McConnell to vote on president’s jobs bill Do you need to know anything else?  If so, the article is here.

Advanced excerpts of the speech here. Reduced to one sentence: Been there, done that. Post speech update (full text here): What a horrendous event.  It truly was, a 40 minute attack on Republicans (sometimes explicitly, sometimes implicitly) with a series of straw man arguments.  This was a...

Obama is getting tough with Congress, implementing steps to have federal agencies take (supposedly) job creating actions without waiting for Congress to act, Obama Rolls Out a Jobs Plan That Doesn’t Need Congress: On Wednesday, Obama took a now-familiar path in adopting a program–this time...