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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Despite the attempts of the cabal of Amazon Web Services, Google, Apple, and many other high tech monsters to take it down, Parler has been brought back to life. It's unclear if Parler is completely back, but I just logged in and the Legal Insurrection page is up and running and we still have almost 400,000 followers. Our prior "parleys" have not populated yet, but I assume that will take time.


During the horrendous indignities heaped upon and lies spewed about now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh throughout his confirmation hearings, something snapped in Sen. Lindsey Graham. The way the Democrats behaved offended him on some deep level, and he unleashed on them in a magnificent, blistering rebuke of their vile, base attacks on Kavanaugh.

San Franciscans may think they are the smartest people in the world, but look who they put in charge of educating their kids. The city’s Board of Education drew nationwide attention when it decided to rename its 44 schools, including those honoring Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, and Paul Revere — the world historic figures and beloved personalities whose biographies shaped our understanding of the American experience.

Legal Insurrection readers will recall that in late January, the new administration implemented the requirement that all travelers into the United States be tested for COVID-19. Since then, there have been even more grand plans proposed. We covered the recent proposal to impose domestic travel restrictions, which seem to target the nearly-normally functioning state of Florida.

(See bottom of post for update.) TJ Ducklo, the deputy press secretary for the Biden administration, has been suspended from work for one week for allegedly telling a female reporter from Politico "I will destroy you." The reporter, Tara Palmeri, was asking questions about a story Ducklo did not want her to cover. Specifically, his romantic relationship with another member of the press.