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Private First Class Bradley Manning, the soldier responsible for leaking over 700,000 documents containing classified information to Wikileaks, will finally face military trial this week at Fort Meade, Maryland.  Colonel Denise Lind will ultimately decide the soldier’s case. From Reuters: Manning, an intelligence analyst, was...

I couldn’t care less about RI Governor Linc Chafee changing from “Independent” to “Democrat.” The Democrats in Rhode Island are the most upset about it, because they know him.  They can have him. You know who else doesn’t care? Aggie95 incthe Tip Line (you remember what that...

Long saga of Jeremy Hammond, self-described anarchist, comes to an end. Jeremy Hammond, a notorious hacker and anarchist from the Chicago area, pleaded guilty this morning to hacking charges in a New York courtroom under the terms of a plea agreement. Hammond was initially charged in..., one of the most widely used petition websites, with over 35 million users in 196 countries, was hacked this weekend. Unauthorized modifications that are said to have been “cosmetic” in nature were made Friday to twelve petitions hosted on the site, according to a...

The persecution and prosecution of Gibson Guitar stands out as a prime example of government overreach, similar to IRS Tea Party targeting. This video explains the insanity of the raid and ultimate charges — very technical and disputed interpretations of Indian law as to the importation...

Of all the groups singled out by the IRS, True the Vote seemed to get extra special treatment, in a bad way: True the Vote founder Catherine Englebrecht doesn’t want to believe the federal government singled her out. But… “These are odd days,” she said....

A British court handed down jail time Thursday to four hackers that were part of a notorious splinter group of the Anonymous hacker collective known as LulzSec. Ryan Cleary, 21, aka “ViraL,” received 32 months.  Cleary will also receive a separate sentence in connection with...

Hollywood couldn’t have scripted it better:  A rebel group of engaged activists, derided and harassed by authorities, becomes the obsession of a powerful political machine, leading to the demise of … the machine. Now, because today’s Internal Revenue Service scandal involves rebellious conservatives pitted against...

The weekend’s media coverage on Benghazi brought in some notable quotes and points of interest: Petraeus: talking points “essentially useless” When the Benghazi talking points were being reviewed and revised by other agencies after the September 2012 attack, former CIA Director David Petraeus indicated that...

Harvard once again taps CNN staff to address its students with the news that former CNN host Soledad O’Brien will address graduating Harvard students at Class Day on May 29, the day preceding commencement. Oprah Winfrey will be the commencement speaker, who follows 2012 speaker...

Hearings are scheduled today before Darrell Issa’s committee. I thought that Roger L. Simon was going a bit overboard late last week. New RLS blog #TCOT Benghazi Impeachment Suddenly Not So Far-Fetched — Roger Simon (@rogerlsimon) May 4, 2013 Even Simon acknowledged that his...

Today we received news that Chip Gerdes, one of the patriots we don’t all know by name, but who works day in and day out to help our country, passed away. Legal Insurrection writers add their thoughts below. WAJ adds: I only spoke to him...

In a telling editorial last year, the Washington Post railed against Mr Romney’s Secret Bundlers: Who are these men and women to whom the campaign is so deeply indebted? Mr. Romney has yet to answer — indeed, he has yet to be directly asked —...

Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) spoke at Chicago’s annual May Day celebration in Chicago as a flag of Che Guevara waved before him, yet when questioned by Rebel Pundit about his presence at the rally teeming with anarchist, communist, and socialist groups with their red flags,...