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for President in 2016. He’s our best, and maybe only, hope.  At a minimum he will generate numerous quotables regarding his likely opponent, Hillary.  If by some miracle he’s the nominee, it will be a big f-ing deal when it comes to our chances of winning...

Ted Cruz is urging Republicans in Congress to fight to defund the ObamaCare Tax train wreck and stated that he feels many in the GOP are too frightened to do so. Apparently, the 1995-1996 shutdowns were such a disaster for the GOP that many “top”...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco

Another in my ongoing posts from Israel: We previously covered the failed Palestinian attempt to get a French court to stop the Jerusalem light rail project which was being constructed in part by French contractors.  It’s a part of the continuing lawfare against Israel. Commenter...

Republicans struck a deal to avoid Harry Reid going nuclear on the filibuster of Obama nominees. So the filibuster remains in place for one of two things to happen: (1) Democrats retain control of the Senate in 2014, and Republicans continue to confirm Obama nominees...

I’ve flagged the pathway to citizenship (even more so than other forms of legalization) as the critical issue in the immigration debate. Granting citizenship to adults who came here illegally is horrible policy which historically has proven a huge carrot to increased illegal immigration regardless...

It’s grim out there: A third of Millennials regret going to college New Poll Sheds Light on Grim Reality for College Graduates New report says overdue student loans have hit all time high Just bare it: UC Boulder student has naked freak out after eating...

I had read headlines about this speech by Ted Cruz, but watching it finally was even better. As background, Sean Sullivan at WaPo’s The Fix points out our house is divided, Ted Cruz vs. John McCain: Welcome to the new normal in the Senate: Sen....

Some great opening statements. Will embed videos when available. [Hearings now adjourned] The moment when she invokes 5th Amendment: Lerner: I have not broken any laws; I have not violated any IRS regs; I have not done anything wrong #IRShearing — David M. Drucker (@DavidMDrucker)...

But we don’t know what’s in it, via AP: A bipartisan band of House members working on a comprehensive immigration bill has reached an agreement in principle, lawmakers said Thursday, after talks dragged on for months and appeared stalled earlier in the day. The lawmakers...

The NRA seems to be broadening the issue of gun control into a broader culture war issue.  But it doesn’t seem to be the old religious/moral culture war, it’s more a liberty culture war. It makes sense from a strategic point of view because it...

And the reason we need “immigration reform” urgently is? I’m getting very uncomfortable with the rush to vote on an 844-page bill. Let it hang out in the air for a while. If it doesn’t stink, the fresh air and sunshine won’t hurt it. If...