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If you love Daily Kos, Van Jones and Keith Ellison, you’ll love Elizabeth Warren.  If you love public employee unions running the state, you’ll love Elizabeth Warren.  If you loved the Wisconsin Recall, you’ll love Elizabeth Warren. The big union and Hollywood money and progressive media machine...

GreenFestival, a project of Green America and Global Exchange, purports to be an experience for young and old alike to celebrate “in sustainable style” the food and philosophy of the green movement. The festivals are taking place across the country; this past April in New...

or a way to motivate the opposition to Walker? You be the judge.  The argument is that anti-Walker forces, particularly the younger newer voters, just aren’t motivated. From Wade Rathke, founder of ACORN, Huge Obstacles to Beating Scott Walker in Wisconsin Recall: The life-and-death struggle...

(K. McCaffrey) — We all know how the liberal narrative goes: the Tea Party is supposed to be racist. Even after Andrew Breitbart’s $100,000 challenge and the continual failure to pinpoint awful tragedies on the Tea Party, lefties everywhere persist on blaming the Tea Party...

Jennifer Rubin, formerly of Commentary and now blogging at The Washington Post, has discovered that Think Progress played the race card against the Koch brothers, who back libertarian and conservative causes, by claiming that the Koch brothers “are simply fulfilling their father’s legacy” in opposing integration....

Well, that was quick.  Keith Olbermann will return to MSNBC primetime tomorrow night, after a long weekend off the air, most of which time he would have been off the air regardless. If Olbermann’s violation of MSNBC’s rules or policies was significant enough to warrant...

MSNBC has given up any pretense of being a news organization, and is staking out an explicitly left-wing political persona as part of a new marketing campaign under the slogan, “Lean Forward.” As reported by The New York Times: MSNBC, once the also-ran but now the...

Chuck Todd, of NBC, whose nomme de guerre is “Chuckie T.,” has lost sleep over the Journolist, as quoted by Roger Simon at Politico in a column, Journolist veers out of bounds: “Journolist was pretty offensive. Those of us who are mainstream journalists got mixed...

When the story of the e-mails “hacked” (or leaked) from a British climate institute first exploded, I was very cautious. I’m turning from a “hacked e-mails skeptic” to a “hacked e-mails believer” for two reasons. First, numerous bloggers have done a good job exploring and...

Regarding Obama administration policy towards Hamid Karzai, the President of Afghanistan, it is reported: Obama administration officials are saying they’ll judge Karzai on his appointments …. Hmm … Van Jones, Bill Richardson, Tom Daschle, Ron Kirk, Nancy Killefer, Hilda Solis, Chas Freeman, etcetera. Perhaps the...

The new topic of the week is the ugly campaign by CNN’s Rick Sanchez, the head of the NFL players union, a variety of loony left-wing blogs, Al Sharpton, and the George Soros crowd, to prevent Rush Limbaugh from being part of a group purchasing...

The lesson being learned by the left-wing blogosphere from the sputtering Glenn Beck boycott and the Van Jones Affair is not that political arguments should be won on the merits, and in the hearts and minds of the public. No, the lesson being learned is...

At his Liberaland blog, Alan Colmes of the hated Fox Network asks: Van Jones Resigns; Who Will They Go After Next? Good question, but it depends on what the meaning of “they” is. According to Keith Olbermann and Gene Robinson, the next White House official...

I told you this was coming. Two weeks ago I predicted that when Glenn Beck returned from vacation, he would go on the offensive against Van Jones and the others behind the boycott of Beck’s Fox News show. This was the only available strategy, since...