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A father in South Carolina who fired his handgun in self-defense–and in the process killing an apparent innocent bystander–has successfully argued that he is not subject to criminal or civil liability under the state’s self-defense immunity law. South Carolina’s self-defense immunity statute–§16-11-450. Immunity from criminal...

As a Tea Party activist, I am aware of many cases where officials become very insistent that citizens have all their paperwork in order before exercising the right to peacefully assemble. And, like the I.R.S. review of tax exemption applications, the same set of stringent...

During the Zimmerman trial there was considerable consternation among much of the public that the trial judge, Debra Nelson, had excluded certain evidence about Trayvon Martin’s past, including his apparent drug use, illegal firearms dealing, passion for “street fighting”, among other pleasant character traits. Now...

A point made here before is that we may not fully understand the reasons why Mitt Romney lost. I’ve proffered a few gut feelings, but have cautioned against adopting Democratic talking points on immigration and other issues — in other words, becoming Democrat-lite — based...