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It has not received much attention in the U.S. media, perhaps because we are more concerned with our national debt spinning out of control than the spinning of Iranian centrifuges. But news reports abroad indicate that the outgoing commander of the Israel Defense Forces may...

Last June, in the midst of the “Gaza Flotilla” in which leftists joined Islamists against Israel, I asked Can Israel Survive A Second Obama Term?: This past week has seen the coming together of the growing Islamist-Leftist Coalition in the war against Israel. Leftists who,...

After yesterday’s speech by Hosni Mubarek, I noted: “Things will be interesting. I can’t imagine the situation will stay stable until September.” Well I was right, although I didn’t predict Mubarek would resign the next day. But it has happened, and now the military controls...

The situation in Egypt does not look dire at this moment, but it does look very serious.  Given the speed with which events can move, the situation could change dramatically for the worse in hours or days. Pursuant to the 1979 peace treaty between Israel...

The Islamist-Leftist Anti-Israel Coalition has found its most successful tactic — the use of human shields in the form of Western Useful Idiots backed by Islamist Martyrs-in-Waiting to confront Israeli soldiers in the hope that Israel will be forced either to weaken its defenses or...

In 2006 Richard Cohen of The Washington Post wrote a column arguing “[t]he greatest mistake Israel could make at the moment is to forget that Israel itself is a mistake.” The argument, that Israel should not have been created as a Jewish state because the...

The “Freedom Flotilla” to Gaza, organized and financed by Turkey, purports to address the poor health conditions in Gaza. One critical measure of public health is infant mortality (children who die before reaching 1 year of age), because it reflects a wide range of underlying...

This past week has seen the coming together of the growing Islamist-Leftist Coalition in the war against Israel. Leftists who, among other things, claim to believe in freedom of speech, women’s rights and equality for gays, are in political bed with people who would cut...

I have been sounding the warning over Turkey since January 2009. Now that Turkey has instigated a confrontation with Israel, it is important to keep Turkey’s greater game in mind. Caroline Glick (h/t Instapundit) explains it quite well. Glick makes another important point, which is...

Turkey has repressed its large Kurdish minority, which seeks a nation of its own, and has threatened to invade Iraqi Kurdistan if it gained too much autonomy. Turkey, in turn, has been subjected to attacks from Kurdish separatist groups, and has responded harshly. The attacks...

The left-wing blogosphere is full of useful idiots, who pretend that the flotilla which just was stopped by Israel was a humanitarian mission. The flotilla was organized by the Islamist government in Turkey to aid Hamas with the goal of opening up shipping channels for...

The perpetually anti-Israel British newspaper The Guardian ran an article suggesting that Shimon Peres of Israel offered to sell nuclear weapons to South Africa in the 1970s. The article was based upon minutes of a meeting recently uncovered, which, depending upon how you interpreted the...

Can’t say I didn’t warn you. The pressure tactics the Obama administration applied to Honduras — such as the refusal to meet with high government officials — now are being applied to Israel: [I]n Jerusalem, prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu called his inner cabinet into its...

On January 31, 2009, I wrote that Turkey Looking Like The Next Iran: My prediction: Turkey is the next Iran, unless Obama stops blaming the U.S. for Islamist aggression and gives support to Turkey’s secular institutions, including the Turkish army. Jimmy Carter tried the blame...

Barack Obama sent a letter to the Russians offering to halt the European missile shield in exchange for Russian help in stopping Iran’s nuclear development. The Russians said thank you for agreeing to halt the missile shield, but we don’t haggle, so you get nothing...

On October 29, 2008, I wrote It’s 3 a.m. and the Prime Minister of Israel is Calling, which appeared at American Thinker. Considering how events in the Middle East are unfolding, and the likelihood that in two weeks the Obama administration will make decisions on...