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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



A post I wrote in 2017 that bears repeating, Sorry leftists, we SHOULD be celebrating Columbus Day. Since then, the likeness of Columbus has been removed from the wokest of establishments in the ultimate display of virtue signaling (and also ignorance). We have covered many: ____________ Of all their sins, progressive insistence on revisionism and transposing modern day mores onto history is one of the worst. The anti-history movement is a scourge on our culture and intellectual heritage. When I was a kid we spent this time of year learning about the great explorers, sitting on the graveled blacktop squashed against one another inside chalked drawings of the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria. They were much smaller ships than I'd imagined.

I was wondering what happened to Florida reader and coffee roaster David after Hurricane Ian. He found his own way of letting me know he's okay, shipping me unannounced his Hurricane Category 5 blend. Oh, Florida Man....