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Today seems to be a turning point in the Elizabeth Warren-Cherokee story.  Her shifting and implausible explanations have made her a laughing-stock, never good for any candidate.  Warren has lost the argument, and her credibility. Her story about why she listed herself as a minority...

Could it get any worse? When Elizabeth Warren first acknowledged that she had represented herself to be Native American when filling out forms for the Association of American Law Schools directories in the mid-80s through mid-90s, Warren based her claim entirely on family “lore.” A...

There is an active effort by Elizabeth Warren’s campaign to distract from the real issue regarding Warren’s claim of Native American status during the mid-80s to mid-90s, when she was moving from one law school to another up the food chain until she reached Harvard...

The Elizabeth Warren story is not about whether she is 1/32nd Cherokee. Questions persist as to why Warren listed herself as Native American, a fact as to which she had no proof until yesterday, only in a publication almost exclusively used by other law professors and Deans during a...

Yesterday I posted about how Elizabeth Warren’s campaign acknowledged that she self-identified as Native American on forms she filled out for the Association of American Law Schools in the mid-1980s through 1994, but that she still was searching for the genealogical evidence to support her...

Native American? I doubt this will move many votes in the Massachusetts Senate race, but it does illustrate how pursuit of “diversity” in higher education can drive institutions to make rather implausible claims: Elizabeth Warren’s avowed Native American heritage — which the candidate rarely if...

Sign of trouble No. 1:  Warren is running to the left of Obama on gay marriage and portraying herself as heroic, apparently, per Greg Sargent (via Instapundit): In an interesting move, Elizabeth Warren comes out and calls on the leader of the Democratic Party to...

You owe us, and we want our fair share of all that money you are raising online. You built a campaign out there? Good for you. But I want to be clear: you moved your message to market on bandwidth the  rest of us paid for; you hired...

Elizabeth Warren claimed to have provided the intellectual foundation for the Occupy movement, and of course, articulated one of the most pure redistributionist rationales which made her a hero of the Occupy movement. But Warren has found a place she does not want Occupied, her employer...

Elizabeth Warren has stepped in it with her boast that she created the Occupy Wall Street movement: “I created much of the intellectual foundation for what they do,” she says. “I support what they do.” Warren’s boast was an overstatement much akin to Al Gore’s...

This is almost enough to cause me to rescind my Bye Bye Brown pronouncement, because Elizabeth Warren ascending to the Senate to replace Scott Brown would make Ted Kennedy seem like the good ol’ days. The progressives are in a lather about this video by...

Warren Buffett has an op-ed in The NY Times bemoaning the fact that he and other super-wealthy investors pay a lower percentage of their income in taxes than their secretaries and other lower-paid staff members.  This is an argument frequently heard from Democrats. But in...

Last July I reported on the absurdity of federal Stimulus Plan money going to building miles of new sidewalks in Warren, Rhode Island, in areas where few people walked. Last November, I reported on the fact that the unnecessary new sidewalks were built improperly. Now I can...