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This is a follow-up to our posts about Prisoner X. Our resident reader from Down Under s_dog sent me this link to Andrew Bolt’s blog, An Israeli tragedy, an Australian silence: Greg Sheridan dismisses conspiracy theories in the Ben Zygier case, following the report released...

This is a follow up to yesterday’s post about Prisoner X. I’m not sure there is much greater clarification of why he was imprisoned, but it’s clear he was not secretly imprisoned, as the Australian Embassy was informed, he had a lawyer, and the courts...

The mother of all mysteries, making Stuxnet look like a B-grade movie, is unfolding in Israel over Prisoner X. The New York Times has a good summary: The story had all the trappings of a spy thriller: an anonymous prisoner linked to Israel’s secret service, Mossad,...

From our friends Down Under at The Catallaxy Files, reports of Tea Party Derangement Syndrome, He believes it but does anyone else? (emphasis mine): WAYNE Swan has blamed the conservative Tea Party movement in the US for damaging the global economy and contributing to the...

I noted the other day that Obama’s “My First Time” video appeared to be a rip off of a similar ad for Vladimir Putin. The Aussies, however, are claiming that one of their candidates was the first to have a first time experience. From The...

down under, these tweets were posted. From a blog you should check out, Cattalaxy Files (“Australia’s leading libertarian and centre-right blog”), which one of our commenters frequents. Be sure to click on embedded links. On guns: In the unarmed country the man with the illegal weapon...

About two weeks ago Bryan covered the story of Georgia conservative blogger Andre Walker who had been sued by a Democratic politician for reporting the politicians run-ins with the law: Roughly three weeks ago a lawsuit alleging defamation against a conservative blogger was filed in the...

A headline on the BBC caught my eye today:  The warming wine regions. […] High-value grapes are grown within a narrow climate window, Stanford earth scientist Noah Diffenbaugh said, making them more sensitive to temperature variations than standard crops. In Tuscany, a Florence University study found that...

Kathleen Over at, Ben O’Neill has a great post about “discrimination” in the modeling industry. Recently, a model of Indian-descent in Australia tried to make the case that she was being unfairly discriminated on the basis of her race. “One might feel a bit...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: And now we go deeper into the linguistic gymnastics which are required to avoid being called a racist.  Having covered Black Friday, Black Hole, Providence Plantations, Rejigger, Gobbledygook,...

This is rich.  Julian Assange’s lawyers are complaining that details of Assange’s alleged sexual assault have been leaked: Incriminating police files were published in the British newspaper that has used him as its source for hundreds of leaked US embassy cables. In a move that...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: Tonight’s issue came to my attention due to the controversy stirred up in Australia over these two t-shirts: The t-shirts, particularly the one that says “we eat meat,...

The U.S. Embassy takeover in Tehran on November 4, 1979, was the start of 444 days which came to define Jimmy Carter.  The U.S. government was revealed to be powerless and the President weak.  Those among us who were alive and conscious during those days have embedded...