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From Brooks: Saw this truck in a parking lot outside my doctor’s office in Bedford, TX. It took a moment to realize that the “Prius Repellent” sign on the truck was situated over the truck’s muffler. Have a good one.

In a move that is apt to stun the California-critics among Legal Insurrection readers, our state legislature passed a pro-fracking measure: Oil and gas drillers that use a technique known as fracking would face new rules in California under legislation that was sent to governor...

Peter Wehner certainly thinks so: In the first year of his second term, the president has failed on virtually every front. He put his prestige on the line to pass federal gun-control legislation–and lost. He made climate change a central part of his inaugural address–and...

When aliens said "We come in peace," they almost invariably had their sights set on world domination. So beware Vladimir Putin when he comes bearing peace.

More politicians are joining San Diego’s former mayor, Bob Filner, for early retirements. Colorado citizens held historic recall elections Tuesday and removed two state senators: Two Democratic lawmakers in Colorado, including the president of the state Senate, were recalled Tuesday in elections brought about by...

Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg is scheduled to meet with top Republican lawmakers next week to discuss a number of policy issues. From Bloomberg News: Facebook Inc. (FB) founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who has been pushing for a revision of U.S. immigration law,...

For event organizers, the definition of failure is when counter-protesters and police outnumber your intended audience. A good example to total event failure was the “Million Muslim March,” which was just a bit shy of its goal…by 999,975 people. And it seems that the event...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source.  To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco

From Catherine, yesterday: Greetings again from northern Idaho!  I’m sending you here a picture of the back of a truck that I took a few weeks ago in a parking lot in Sandpoint, Idaho.  If you ever get the chance, this area of the country...

Obama’s remarks last night on Syria, summarized: “Chemical weapons are bad. So I’m going to attack Syria, but maybe not. And I trust Putin, except maybe I don’t. So perhaps let’s have a diplomatic solution instead. And suddenly I believe in American exceptionalism—that is, regarding...

Yesterday the New York Times reported With the World Watching, Syria Amassed Nerve Gas. The article documents how, despite international efforts to prevent it, Syria built up its supply of chemical weapons. Proliferation experts said President Bashar al-Assad of Syria and his father before him,...

I’ll have to defer to pollsters as to whether this is consistent with professional polling protocol. PPP has admitted that it deliberately did not release a poll showing that Colorado State Senator Angela Giron was likely to lose the recall election by a wide margin:...

As Americans are debating over how to react to the situation in Syria, there have been some fascinating developments elsewhere in the world well worth noting. For example, one of Scandinavia’s most nanny-state governments has had an election that tilted their state dramatically rightward: Conservative...

Is there an undisclosed understanding between the U.S. and Russia to keep Assad in power?