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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


The centerpiece of Obama's energy plan is "alternative" energy, such as wind and solar power. Tens of billions of dollars in the "stimulus" package go towards these technologies. The viability of Obama's energy plan is called into question by Royal Dutch Shell's announcement that...


Oh boy, has this administration become unhinged in its efforts to force through Obama's "bet the farm" economic plans.Rahm Emanuel runs anti-opposition campaigns from inside the White House against Rush Limbaugh to take down the leading opponent of Obama's economic plans. The White House coordinates...

Pawtucket, RI, is just north of Providence. Pawtucket (pronounced "p-tuk-et" to those in the know) is an old mill town which has huge economic problems (as does the entire State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations). So what should the federal government do to help...

The NY Times is desperate. Its revenues are shrinking, it sold its headquarters, and it took out a sub-prime mortgage from Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim.The Times' business problems have caused it to put advertising on the front page of the print edition.But please, did the...

I am so proud. My home State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations is tops in home mortgage fraud, according to a study just released: Rhode Island has displaced Florida as the state leading the nation in mortgage fraud, according to a report made public...

Barack Obama is scheduled to go on the Jay Leno show on Thursday, March 19, 2009, as part of his campaign to get the almost $4 trillion budget passed. A few days after the Leno appearance, Obama will be attending $100-$2,500 per plate campaign fundraising...

Much has been written about ammunition shortages, and skyrocketing prices. It is about to get worse, as the Obama administration has implemented scrap metal policies which will make it much more difficult for manufacturers to get the material needed for civilian munitions.An interesting post...

Change is in the air. Not just that the inside the Beltway pundits are noticing that He is not all that He is cracked up to be. Not just that people are taking to the streets in protest. Not just that our European allies no...

Cyber-aerobics workouts may be the key to curing childhood obesity, according to this Israeli sports center:The sports center recommends its athletes to develop computer addiction to become strong and handsome. The more time spent at the monitor, the better...

Just a little true anecdote on how the "rich" cutting back is hurting the "not rich."My wife went to a hair salon last Friday. The salon is located on the East Side of Providence, Rhode Island, near Brown University. This is the premier neighborhood in...

In August 2007, Paul Krugman, in an op-ed titled "It's All About Them" famously labeled Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani, the then-leading Republican candidates for President, "narcissists" because they allegedly viewed real problems from the perspective of how they were viewed:What’s now clear is that...

There has been a little on-line spat brewing between Robert Stacy (the other) McCain, and one James B. Webb, which resulted in my memorable post Sitemeterenfreude ("deriving pleasure from the failure of other bloggers to generate traffic") based on this McCain post mocking Webb's failure...

Larry Summers, Obama's chief economic adviser, says we must overcome the "excess of fear":President Barack Obama's top economic adviser said Friday the nation's economic crisis has led to an ''excess of fear'' among Americans that must be broken to reverse the downturn.National Economic Council Director...

I have been compared to a Jedi Master, the second highest rank, but I think that is overstating things by far. The question is, who is the Grand Master of newbie bloggers?Is it he who writes the Rules, he without whom there would be no...

Professor Glenn Reynolds, of Instapundit fame but writing for Forbes, focuses on changing the way we view and treat "old" age as one of the keys to solving the social security problem:But even much more modest progress--extending healthy middle age from 60 to, say, 80--would...