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UCLA’s Dr. James Enstrom is one of my personal heroes of the “Tea Party” movement. The importance of his work on behalf of Californians cannot be understated. The Environmental Health Sciences professor has been fighting the false science behind some of our state’s most onerous...

Two recent articles provided explanations as to why Mitt Romney failed to win the presidency. In The GOP and the City Edward Glaeser writes: After the presidential election in November, New York Times exit polls found that Republican candidate Mitt Romney had received only 29...

Hollywood is apparently unhappy with Seth MacFarlane’s hosting of the Oscars on Sunday night.  So says the New York Times: Post-Oscar Monday found the movie capital coming to grips with a 3-hour-35- minute ceremony that climbed in the ratings but at its best seemed to...

The mainstream media, egged on by Democrats, is trying to pin the “McCarthy” label on Ted Cruz. It doesn’t matter whether there is a basis, all that matters is that there’s a name connection made. It’s a meme started by the usual cabal of Democratic politicians...

From Ben: On the left coast this little cultural tit for tat has been developing for a couple years. First there was So Cal. Meaning Southern California. As in, that’s So Cal. Then Nor Cal for Northern. And now we have No Cal with the...

California made a move yesterday that makes about as much sense as throwing away your telescope to get back at that meteor for hitting Russia. And yet, in California, it’s strictly business as usual (via LA Times): The nation’s biggest public pension fund is taking a...

Here’s a lesson in the wages of appeasement. When the manhunt for Christopher Dorner got desperate, LAPD Chief Charlie Beck panicked and announced that he planned to reinvestigate Dorner’s firing which the former cop, according to his Facebook manifesto, blamed on racism. Beck insisted that...

No water, no money, no reason to stay. From Mike: I sleep a little better knowing that not everyone in California is a loony leftie. I took the attached photos on Rt. 152 between Fresno and Los Banos in December. This is part of the...

I talked to my mother last night, a long-time Democrat who voted for Obama this November. She said that she had tuned out the State of the Union address to pour a class of wine, because it was more of the “same, nasty rhetoric” she...

In  Heller v. D.C. and McDonald v. Chicago, the Supreme Court made clear that sweeping gun bans are unconstitutional. In response, we are seeing a new trend — don’t “ban” guns, but make it so costly, burdensome, and fraught with legal risk of an innocent...

Gender Bender Brown University Will Cover Sex Change Operations for Students NC Gov speaks truth to Gender Studies power Swarthmore’s new “Masturbatory Theater” club Big college concern — how to fix the ‘Orgasm Gap’ The Fun, New Campus Activity: Racy Facebook Confessions Just twisted: Dartmouth...

We recently posted a story on changing the direction of political dialog in this country, which asked the following question: How do we get a foothold for conservative ideas in the public schools, and how do we expand that foothold over time? An Idaho lawmaker...

Agenda-driven journalism is poised to pit two Democratic constituencies against each other in my home state of California. Americans are becoming aware that there is an “oil boom” in this country, courtesy of the technology behind the fracking of oil shale.  California’s Monterey Shale Formation,...

I recently covered an example of what passes as sensible budgeting in California: The High Speed Rail system. You would be hard pressed to find a more epic example of a hideous blend of cost overruns, cronyism, and incompetence. So when Governor Jerry Brown touts...

I recently reported that California was targeted for a massive effort by gun control activists intent on creating new and wide-ranging restrictions. Now, the Chief of Police in my hometown of San Diego has unwittingly unveiled the real goal behind this movement: The complete disarming...