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A roundup of links for your Friday evening reading. An interesting read, via HotAir: From The Week, The Democrats have a mega-donor problem…And no, we’re not talking about the Kochs Punt: From Reuters, U.S. extends Keystone XL comment period, delaying final decision From HotAir, New...

It’s the holiday season, one of those rare years when Passover and Easter come close together, as they did during the original Easter. So I get a twofer when I wish my readers “Happy Holidays!” In recent years whenever I’ve attended a Seder I’ve been...

Does not fit the narrative.

Obama is spiking the football over sign-up numbers, but Democrats on the ground see things differently when not spinning.

Earlier Thursday, reports surfaced that leaflets were distributed earlier in the week in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk demanding Jews register with a government office. We waited to report the information here at Legal Insurrection because of conflicting reports on the story and questions...

New York State municipalities are suffocating under the weight of local pensions. The solution? Defer and delay, rather than deal with the problem now. From The Ithaca Journal, Borrowing for pension costs soar in N.Y.: Local governments and the state increased borrowing off the state...

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