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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Someone, somewhere is stoking the notion of Sheldon Whitehouse for the Supreme Court spot being vacated by John Paul Stevens. From the Providence Journal:Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, the Rhode Island Democrat, has appeared on some early lists of prospects whom President Obama may consider - or...


The ruling Labour Party in Britain has used its control of the National Health Service to help its campaign for the May 6 general election, via the Times of London:Labour was today caught up in a new row over its use of personal data after...

The more I learn about the people on board the Polish presidential plane which crashed outside Smolensk, the more I understand the depth of the tragedy for Poland.Killed in the plane crash alongside Polish President Lech Kaczynski was Anna Walentynowicz.Prior to the crash I was...

In early March I wrote how the Southern Poverty Law Center had exaggerated regarding the alleged presence of the Ku Klux Klan in Rhode Island as part of SPLC's report on a "surge" of hate groups.Specifically, I pointed out that SPLC claimed the Ku Klux...

Rhode Island is the poster child for how municipal employee and teachers unions have devastated state and local budgets through unsustainable contracts obtained through political contributions.Rhode Island is drowning in pension promises it cannot meet and benefits it cannot pay. Yet the municipal employee unions...

As far at I can tell, the date of the funeral for Polish President Lech Kaczynski and the others killed in the plane crash has not yet been set.Undoubtedly, this will be a monumental event with dignitaries from around the world, and millions of people...

Polish President Lech Kaczynski was a great friend of the United States and freedom loving peoples everywhere.When Kaczynski visited the U.S. in 2007 he made sure to visit Nancy Reagan and to honor the role of Ronald Reagan in securing freedom in Eastern Europe (see...

The President of Poland and much of Poland's military and civilian leadership were killed when the presidential plane crashed in Russia on the way to commemorate the massacre of 22,000 Polish officers by the Soviets in 1940: Polish President Lech Kaczynski and some of...

Definitely a day of F.O.M.S. (fear of missing something). I couldn't hit the blog during the day today because of meetings, and while I was away, the whole world freaked out.Resignations, arguments, threats, more resignations, and then some:Obama debated Sarah Palin on nuclear weapons strategy,...

Absolutely, bring it on, via The Independent: A sport best described as "mounted goat rugby from hell" could soon be transported from northern Afghanistan's dusty plains to the green turf of Twickenham, or even New York's Yankee Stadium, if enthusiasts have their way.Buzkashi, a game...

Item No. 1. Obama hailed the new spirit of cooperation between the United States and Russia on a host of international issues, including Iran, through the signing of a nuclear arms reduction treaty:"This ceremony is a testament to the truth that old adversaries can forge...

of the British election has let Prime Minister Gordon Brown have it, via The Telegraph.LGF and TPM are searching for a Tea Party connection, Andrew Sullivan thinks Palin had something to do with it, Paul Krugman considers it an incitement to violence, Count Frankula is...

Barack Obama has given the go ahead for the "targeted killing" of al-Qaeda operative Anwar al-Awlaki, who happens to be a U.S. citizen.I don't have a problem with it. The fight with al-Qaeda is war. Al-Awlaki is trying to kill Americans, and if the only...

Well, why not?Immigration is an issue on which the U.S. seems incapable of reaching a political consensus, instability on the Mexican border has led to hundreds of deaths and cross-border drug trafficking, and neither the U.S. nor Mexico seems willing to solve the problem.A solution...

In 1940, the Soviet Union executed 22,000 Polish officers in the Katyn Forest near Smolensk, Russia.The mass grave was discovered in 1943 by invading German troops, but the Soviet propaganda machine create the mythology that the massacre was committed by the Nazis:In late 1943, as...

Elections have been set in Great Britain for May 6, pitting the Labour Party (headed by Obama-wannabe Prime Minister Gordon Brown) against the Conservative Party ("Tories") (headed by David Cameron).The election is shaping up as traditional nanny-state government (Labour) against less big government (Tories), echoing...

The Obama administration's new nuclear policy, to which I alerted readers several days ago and again yesterday, contains a very curious doctrine. As reported by Jake Tapper:In the [Nuclear Policy] Review, the US government will pledge to refrain from using nuclear weapons to attack any...