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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Pictures from tonights Hometown Rally in Wrentham, Massachusetts (from our on-the-spot "correspondent" a/k/a my wife).  Join me for some live blogging on Tuesday, when I'll have pics, tweets, and other reports from many people on the ground in Massachusetts.Scott Brown's Children Arianna and Ayla (above)-------------------------------------------- Follow...


CNN Audience Interaction Producer Eric Kuhn is all over this election, a step ahead of the rest of us, GOP candidate dominates social networking in Massachusetts:On the eve of the Massachusetts special election Tuesday to replace the late Sen. Edward Kennedy, the Republican candidate has...

This blog will go "live" tomorrow, starting in the morning, following the developments in the Massachusetts Senate special election.Assuming the technology works (!), I'll have a live window in which people can see my posts and comment in real time (note to trolls, I still...

Because it's not the hand of one of those truck-driving Fenway Park fans: (Image via NY Times) -------------------------------------------- Follow me on Twitter and Facebook ...

By now, the hideous rape mailer sent out by the Massachusetts Democratic Party in support of Martha Coakley has been called out by commentators on the right and left as one of the more heinous tactics in the tawdry annals of American politics.Coakley has refused...

Okay, it's not Jane Hamsher (who has not responded to my Open Letter), but another blogger at Firedoglake is calling for progressives to oppose Martha Coakley, Progressives, please help defeat Coakley: It is very important that progressives help defeat Coakley. Please read my explanation. The...

PPP has just released its final poll of the Massachusetts Senate special election, and PPP gives Scott Brown a 5 point advantage, 51-46:Scott Brown leads Martha Coakley 51-46 in our final Massachusetts Senate poll, an advantage that is within the margin of error for the...

Not by choice, but by circumstance and the weight of history, this blog has become a "theme blog" in the past few weeks. The present theme will end Tuesday night, with some necessary clean up depending upon the results.What's next?--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

Since Coakley supporters appear willing to believe anything. (Even a parody by TheNoseOnYourFace shop.)[youtube=]--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

Yesterday, Blue Mass Group posted a misleadingly edited interview with Scott Brown in which Brown, when questioned, said he didn't know if Barack Obama's mother was married when Obama was born. That expression of lack of knowledge has led to full meltdown in the left-wing...

If this is true, I may owe the NRSC an apology:In mid-December, the National Republican Senatorial Committee conducted a poll that showed Brown trailing by only 13 points, but it kept the results to itself. Coakley continued operating on the assumption that for all intents...

The left-wing blogs have been so completely overrun in the Brown-Coakley campaign that they have resorted to making up a phony "birther" controversy in an attempt to gin up a controversy before Tuesday. Blue Mass Group has released a very tightly edited 15-second clip of Scott...

I posted yesterday about a disgusting mailer used by the Massachusetts Democratic Party to allege that Scott Brown wants rape victims turned away from hospitals.As I explained, the allegation is false, twists out of all reality the legislation Brown proposed on the "morning after pill,"...

Photos from Scott Brown events Saturday, January 16 (photos to be added throughout the day)Dennis, MA sign rallyBrown in Hyannis (much more here)Not from today, but worth posting, SEIU members for BrownBrown in Plymouth[youtube=]Brown in Quincy (more here)(400 people in crowd)--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and...

Martha Coakley flopping gaffe of the day, as reported by the Boston Herald:Shipping giant UPS isn’t amused by a Democratic Party campaign pamphlet attacking Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown that plays off the company’s slogan “What can Brown do for you?”Atlanta-based United Parcel Service, known...