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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


This is why I respect Jon Stewart, he goes after both sides. The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c Working Stiffed Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party -------------------------------------------- Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube ...


...Sounds like a plan, to me.  And a campaign theme.-------------------------------------------- Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

It seems like a natural law of the internet that the longer a post, the less likely anyone reads beyond the first few lines, resulting in fewer comments and muted reaction. Hence, the now classic They Also Called Scott Brown A Non-Serious Extremist is sitting out...

The comparison of the long-shot campaigns of Scott Brown and Christine O'Donnell frequently draws the objection that Brown was viewed as a serious and moderate candidate, whereas O'Donnell is viewed as a non-serious extremist.As someone who followed the Brown campaign closely, I can tell you that this perception...

Harry Reid's comment that Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand was the "hottest" in the Senate has generated reaction ranging from "there he goes again" to "sexist!"When I posted first thing this morning about it, I guess I fell into the "there he goes again" crowd (Someone Tell...

It's over.  The race is hopeless.  The Republican candidate has no chance because of past indiscretions which have rendered the candidate a joke, and the electorate has made up its mind in favor of the well-known Democrat.The polls, depending upon which you believe, have our...

"Go back to jonesing for Sarrahcudda, Christine, and all the other intellectual lightweights that are taking over what used to be a decent political party."(no Google searches allowed)Update:  No one is close, so far.  While it really doesn't matter who said it, it is relevant that...

Via The Politico, Reid calls Gillibrand the 'hottest' member at fundraiser:Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid had an unusual form of praise for New York's junior senator, Kirsten Gillibrand, this morning at the fundraiser Mayor Bloomberg hosted for him at his townhouse - referring to her...

When a tape of Christine O'Donnell commenting in the 1990s that she had "dabbled into witchcraft" surfaced, the media and left-wing blogosphere (and unfortunately, a few on the right) went wild.  There was nothing of substance to the story, as it turns out O'Donnell was talking about events...

The National Bureau of Economic Research has declared that the recession ended, statistically speaking, in June 2009.  As reported by the L.A. Times:Reporting from Washington — The panel of economists that dates the nation's economic cycles declared Monday that the recession that started in December...

Fouad Ajami reports on an opinion survey taken by a leading Arab electronic daily newspaper, regarding the Cordoba mosque and Islamic center to be located at or near (depending on your perspective) Ground Zero.Keep in mind that domestic public opinion against the location is widely denigrated...

On Election Day in November we will have another all-day Live Blog event.  The event will be turned on in the morning, and stay open all day and night until we get returns from Nevada and the West Coast.Those who participated in the Scott Brown...

Spotted in Ithaca this morning.  Quite bold to put such a "Miss me yet?" sticker on your car in these parts of the country, and then to park it on a main road.Can anyone figure out over what bumper sticker the "Miss me yet?" bumper sticker was...

We have heard so much about the supposed Buckley Rule, which Charles Krauthammer and other Mike Castle supporters over-simplistically synthesized as follows:"Support the most conservative candidate who is electable."The Buckley Rule is for primaries.  The Delaware primary is over.  To paraphrase Krauthammer, Castle supporters didn't go...

I know that you realize it, but this is a two-front political war.I have read some profoundly stupid commentary on the right about Christine O'Donnell, pronouncing O'Donnell's campaign dead because of a sophomoric series of appearances in the 1990s on Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher.It appears...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:We all know how nothing brings out the race card from the overwhelmingly white media like a crowd of overwhelmingly white Tea Partiers.  This video from Black & Right (via...

We were right.Charlie Crist, Mike Castle, now Lisa Murkowski.We have proven our point.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...