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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


So says Chris Bowers of OpenLeft, on the occasion of the hiring of Nate Silver by The New York Times (what possibly could go wrong?):Only five years ago, the progressive political blogosphere was still predominately a gathering place for amateur (that is, unpaid or barely...


Not the good Glenn, the bad Glenn, feat. C.G.Via Powerline via Potluck:[youtube=]--------------------------------------------Related Posts:How About Some Honesty From The Useful Idiots?Soldiers With Pens In The Information War Against IsraelPallywood Meets The Gaza Blockade (Or, "Did You Hear The One About How Palestinians Can't Eat Chocolate?")Follow me...

All of the people screaming about Israel's blockade of Gaza, in which goods are checked to keep out weapons, never seem to answer the following question:What is the alternative to stopping and inspecting ships headed for Gaza?A. Allow Gaza to turn into another Lebanon, to...

I have been sounding the warning over Turkey since January 2009. Now that Turkey has instigated a confrontation with Israel, it is important to keep Turkey's greater game in mind.Caroline Glick (h/t Instapundit) explains it quite well.Glick makes another important point, which is that alongside...

The rise of Islamist Turkey, and its deliberate and calculated instigation of a crisis in the Middle East, is reminiscent of the time period prior to the fall of the Shah of Iran.The Turkish Islamists know exactly what they are doing by precipitating a crisis...

An Iranian port in Gaza is the goal of those who want uninspected sea shipping to Gaza.The "Freedom Flotilla" is a lie and a fraud. The Islamist government of Turkey, which has an ongoing rapprochement in progress with Iran, instigated the crisis, and a Turkish...

Glenn Greenwald is venomous in his attacks on Israel. Greenwald calls supporters of Israel, including Rep. Anthony Weiner, "Israel-firsters," an obscene charge of disloyalty.Anyone who disagrees with Greenwald on whether the flotilla actually had a humanitarian intent, or whether Israel had a right under international...

The government of Israel is upset that the operation to intercept the Turkish-backed flotilla ended up with the loss of several lives.Lack of proper operational planning, the almost ridiculous initial use of too little force (paint balls) and the failure to clear the decks of...

Adam Shapiro, one of the organizers of flotillas to break the sea blockade of Gaza in 2009 and again in 2010, was interviewed on PBS. In the interview, Shapiro made clear that the primary purpose of the flotilla was political.Only upon prompting by Gwen...

Turkey has repressed its large Kurdish minority, which seeks a nation of its own, and has threatened to invade Iraqi Kurdistan if it gained too much autonomy.Turkey, in turn, has been subjected to attacks from Kurdish separatist groups, and has responded harshly. The attacks on...

The Great Lawn at Central Park, Memorial Day. Almost enough to get me to move back to New York City, even though there are people.Almost.--------------------------------------------Related Post:Early Sunday Morning New York Follow me on Twitter and Facebook ...

The left-wing blogosphere is full of useful idiots, who pretend that the flotilla which just was stopped by Israel was a humanitarian mission.The flotilla was organized by the Islamist government in Turkey to aid Hamas with the goal of opening up shipping channels for Turkey's...

The United States has a major problem in Turkey, which under increasingly authoritarian Islamist rule, has become a primary player in undermining U.S. policy in the Middle East, not to mention a growing antagonist of Israel.I have posted on Turkey's Islamist government before. The ploy...

The Gail Collins, in an otherwise humorous column Alabama Goes Viral, plays a sleight of hand when quoting the now famous television advertisement by Dale Peterson, running for Alabama Agricultural Commissioner.Here is Collins' description (emphasis mine):This is the start of Peterson’s campaign ad. He rides...

The NY Times' headline writer got it wrong, The Hard Sell On Salt, which purported to show how the salt industry was manipulating public opinion and regulations on restricting salt: With salt under attack for its ill effects on the nation’s health, the food giant...

Many moons ago, when I worked in Manhattan, I always enjoyed early Sunday mornings, because there were few people and even fewer cars.I'm in NYC this weekend for a wedding, and walked over to Park Avenue.In the photo, the Waldorf Astoria on the left, looking...