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Mutually Assured Desalination

Mutually Assured Desalination

The NY Times’ headline writer got it wrong, The Hard Sell On Salt, which purported to show how the salt industry was manipulating public opinion and regulations on restricting salt:

With salt under attack for its ill effects on the nation’s health, the food giant Cargill kicked off a campaign last November to spread its own message.

But read on, and it become clear that it’s really an easy sell.

People love salt. And industry really is just giving people what they want, and how they want it:

Now, the industry is blaming consumers for resisting efforts to reduce salt in all foods, pointing to, as Kellogg put it in a letter to a federal nutrition advisory committee, “the virtually intractable nature of the appetite for salt.” ….

In recent months, food companies, including Kellogg, have said they were redoubling efforts to reduce salt. But they say they can go only so far, so fast without compromising tastes consumers have come to relish or salt’s ability to preserve food. “We have to earn the consumer’s trust every day,” said George Dowdie, a senior vice president of Campbell Soup. “And if you disappoint the consumer, there is no guarantee they will come back.”

Needless to say, the food police want the government to force food companies to cut back salt in food, as I’ve mentioned before.

I think we need another SALT summit, where industry, consumers and the government can negotiate a salt reduction treaty, thereby moving us from the currently unacceptable MAS (Mutually Assured Satisfaction) to MAD (Mutually Assured Desalination) in our lifetimes.

No longer should we have to live with the Salt of Damocles hanging over our heads.

Repeat after me: No Más MAS! No Más MAS! Drive us MAD! Drive us MAD!

Related Posts:
The Upside Of Salt Regulation – Job Creation
Leave Our Salt Alone

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Sigh, the New York Times reaches new lows in idiocy.

Salt has been revered since time immemorial. It was used as an offering to the gods. Roman soldiers were paid in it. It's been an essential and basic tool in cooking for hundreds of years. There is a reason the term 'salt of the Earth' came about.

But the NYT wants us to believe that the public is being manipulated by the salt industry. Give me a freaking break. If anyone is doing any manipulating and lying it is nanny groups like CSPI and government types like Bloomberg (who BTW is a flaming hypocrite, he douses his pizza in salt) Oh, and they erroneously imply that the the idea that salt has "ill effects on the nation's health" is a rock-solid fact. Nothing could be further from the truth. Salt is necessary for the bodies health and helps it absorb needed nutrients. If anything, studies show that low-salt diets are far riskier than high-salt ones.

These food nags need to keep their social engineering experiments to themselves.

Not to worry. Even if the government kicks in and madates everything become tasteless, at the rate we are going, eventually some cities will be turned into salt and all can sate themselves on sodium.