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How About Some Honesty From The Useful Idiots?

How About Some Honesty From The Useful Idiots?

All of the people screaming about Israel’s blockade of Gaza, in which goods are checked to keep out weapons, never seem to answer the following question:

What is the alternative to stopping and inspecting ships headed for Gaza?

A. Allow Gaza to turn into another Lebanon, to which Iran and Syria ship sophisticated heavy weaponry and missiles of a size and reach capable of devastating Israeli cities and destroying the Dimona nuclear reactor.


There is no alternative “B” because of the nature of Hamas and its close relationship to Iran and Syria (where the leader of Hamas is stationed).

That is why the term “Useful Idiot” applies so well to people like Glenn Greenwald who huff and puff about human rights, but at the end of the day are content with serving the interests of Iran, Syria and Hamas, some of the worst abusers of human rights in the world who hold people like Greenwald in contempt.

I just wish Greenwald and the others would be honest enough to come right out and say that they have no problem with Gaza turning into a missile launching pad for Iran.

Just say it, so that it is out there for all to see, and stop hiding behind lofty rhetoric.

Related Posts:
Soldiers With Pens In The Information War Against Israel
Pallywood Meets The Gaza Blockade (Or, “Did You Hear The One About How Palestinians Can’t Eat Chocolate?”)
Eliot Spitzer Pwns Glenn Greenwald

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"I just wish Greenwald and the others would be honest enough to come right out and say that they have no problem with Gaza turning into a missile launching pad for Iran.

Just say it, so that it is out there for all to see, and stop hiding behind lofty rhetoric."

Amen. It is "transparent" what their true desire is. To people with eyes to see, and ears to hear, that is.

It's not the rest of us that Greenwald and the others are attempting to deceive. It's themselves, and I think they've done a pretty effective job of it. They certainly seem to believe the "lofty rhetoric" that they spin.

You're not going to get 'Honesty' from this flock of Useful Idiots who are deploying the very same moral charade in their 2nd-shift crusading for the destruction of Arizona's border.

How can you expect them to imagine the geo-political consequences of a volunteer pro-Iranian sea port in the Mediterranean when they can't ( or refused to) even acknowledge the over 100 and growing well-armed Mexican and Salvadoran gangs that have seized Tucon by coasting through these Idiot's Open-Border Amnesty Highway.

Why should it surprise you that these Idiots have such awful heart palpitations over a sovereign nation enforcing a blockade when they already get apoplectic over something as simple as… say, a copy asking a suspected gang member for ID?

The creation of the perfect storm for boxing in Israel for the kill, by Islam, is in motion before our eyes.

3 years ago at 7:00a mass, a retiring Catholic Priest at my parish told us daily about WW3. " Israel and the Jews first and then you", he would say.
He would explain the wars of the Old Testament indepth and teach us about Islam. Some snickered at his passionate homily, clueless as he continually spoke of all the missed signs of impending war, suffering and death caused and instigated by Muslims, Islam, Sharia Law and the Koran. He taught us about the difference between our God and theirs. He showed us their path for the last 150 years. They are finishing what they started centuries ago, they won't be done until they succeed in ruling the world under Sharia Law. The Useful Idiots don't get that it's their blood that has to flow.

That 80 year old Priest was dead on about Islam and the Socialist Progressive Democrats positioning themselves to blindly facilitate them to take the United States over from within.

there is a "Plan B": Sink every ship and shoot down every plane that tries to get into Gaza without permission/inspection. i'd also be constantly bombing the smuggling tunnels as soon as i found them, preferably with the smugglers inside.

it certainly w*rks for me. %-)