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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



Bryan Caplan, one of my favorite bloggers, will sometimes write a short review of a book he has read with a small snippet. Whenever the book involves communism, it is always a treat. His latest post, on Nothing to Envy: The Ordinary Lives in North...

Just started following me on Twitter.  His cartoons are quite good and can be found on his Facebook page.Here is one I like:--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

is that it reflects the reality that Obama's "Birther" strategy has failed politically, something I have long argued.Listen to the crowd reaction beginning at the 2:08 mark, as Donald Trump vigorously and repeatedly states "I want him to show the birth certificate."  The crowd claps loudly...

Thanks to reader Scott who spotted this vehicle in Raleigh, North Carolina, and who assures me that the bumper sticker tide is turning even in Raleigh against Obamamania:(Bonus question:  Guess the flag the driver has on the front of the car.)Update:  No one has come...

The Wisconsin Attorney General filed an emergency application requesting that the Wisconsin Court of Appeals vacate a Temporary Restraining Order issued by Judge Maryann Sumi prohibiting the Secretary of State from publishing the budget repair bill passed by the legislature and signed by Gov. Scott Walker.The...

One of the most endearing qualities about the Tea Party is that there is no central organizer, no true figurehead orchestrating their protests and meetings. While there are many groups who try to bank on the Tea Party name, it is about as democratic as...

It's slow posting here today.I'm trying to get as much done on income tax preparation this week as possible, since it's our spring recess.Every year I go through the same thought process:The income tax preparation process is a colossal waste of time, effort and resources.  It...

U.N. Security Council Resolution 1973 (2011) on Libya regarding the protection of civilians makes no distinction as to who is doing the killing (emphasis mine):"4. Authorizes Member States that have notified the Secretary-General, acting nationally or through regional organizations or arrangements, and acting in cooperation with the Secretary-General,...

Reports are just filtering in of a bus bombing in Jerusalem.  I'll update as casualties and other information is reported.This is not surprising.  Hamas several days ago launched dozens of mortars against Israel leading to a round of retaliation, and the Israeli Fogel family was...

Spotted in Providence, Rhode Island, a faded memento of a bygone era, when dissent was patriotic, disobeying authority was hip, and leaders were not followed:"We must behave patriotically, obey authority, and follow our leaders blindly or we will lose our freedom!"That was then, this is...

The website The Blaze has obtained audio of a union organizer presently or recently working for SEIU divulging a plan to collapse the banking system:A partial transcript is here.The interesting thing is that The Blaze received critical acclaim from the left for its assertion that...

Claire McCaskill (D-Mo) was facing a tough reelection campaign to start.Now, with the revelation that she owes almost $300,000 in back property taxes on an airplane she owns, I doubt she will be showing this advertisement from an earlier campaign (h/t Taegen Goddard via Ben...

.... for the attacks on Libya sounds an awful lot like his explanation of why the health care mandate is constitutional.Just as the Obama administration tied the decision of an individual not to purchase health care insurance, through a series of connections and chains of causation, to...