The Great Jobs Plan of 2011 is nothing more that The Great Tax Increase of 2011.
He’s completely incorrigible, the Rain Man of class warfare and tax increases on job creators:
White House Office of Management and Budget Director Jack Lew outlined President Barack Obama’s plan to pay for his $447 billion jobs plan — mostly through tax increases.
Lew said itemized tax deductions and exemptions for those making more than $200,000, and families earning more than $250,000 would be cut — raising about $400 billion to pay for Obama’s jobs plan over 10 years.
Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Do you think these guys have any notion of just how truly boned they are?
WZ had a photo of the President in the Rose Garden this morning holding the bill. Outside of the first sheet you can see, the one with the signiture Obama logo, I am positive that the rest of the pages were blank white sheets.
He’s wishing he can beat us down with the tax increases, like he did with healthcare. But we know better now.
The title of the book Obama starts writing in January 2013 should be, “Blinded by Ideology”.
It is not a well known fact but people with an income of over $200,000 already have had their personal exemptions confiscated from them. I have been in the accounting field for forty years and I had no idea.
[…] […]
The Reps should call his bluff. Meet him about halfway and give him $200 billion or so in some type of jobs act. Eliminate deductions for millionaires and above to pay for it. Takes basically all Obamas talking points away going into the election.
The group that Obama keeps singling out (individuals with incomes over $200,000, families over $250,000) accounts for roughly 2% of the tax returns, which is about 3,000,000 individuals and families. By eliminating deductions, the administration plans to raise $400B. This is over $100,000 in additional tax per tax return, implying over $300,000 in deductions. What am I missing? I would sure like to know what those deductions are!
I’ve got an idea. Now that he’s presented a plan, the House should invite him to appear before a Committee of the Whole to answer questions about it. Surely a situation so dire to merit an address to both chambers should merit some follow up with the House!
If my suggestion is adopted, I ask only that I be permitted to ask the first three questions.
What a scam. Spend the money in 2011 and pay for it over 10 years. Has anyone asked where the 447 BILLION will come from in 2011?
Call him, incorrigible, call him irresponsible, call him unreliable, throw in undependable too..
Ahh yes, Sinatra
Sorry. I like Mr. Buble, but I can’t hear anyone sing “Call Me Irresponsible” but Bobby Darin.
It’s a religious thing.
So you believe in Darinism?
No, Bobby’s not the main focus of the belief system. He’s really just a minor saint. But he has his thing, y’know. It’s like if I ever heard “Stardust” done by someone other than Nat King Cole: I might go on a jihad in that case.
I don’t mind a fun cover tune now and then, but a few of them are oddly sacred. I dunno.
By the way: I loved the Petula Clark video!
I saw her perform the lead in “Sunset Blvd.” a few years back. Very talented.