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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Something about it always struck me as a stretch, but the words of Muammar Gaddafi, repeated endlessly in the media and from the White House, seemed to portent doom in Benghazi.  Now Steve Chapman has put the lie to the Obama claim that military intervention was...


Obama announced via Twitter that his grassroots campaign will start today, on the eve of his nationwide tour of big money donors so that he can become the first billion-dollar candidate in the history of this country (sorry, that last part wasn't in the announcement).The Obama campaign...

I'm sorry that I forgot to mark the one-year anniversary of the death of Marine Corporal Jonathan Daniel Porto, who was killed in Afghanistan on March 14, 2010, leaving behind his wife and infant daughter.  The original blog post by Cpl. Porto's wife, Rachel, announcing his death was...

When you aspire to be the billion-dollar candidate, turning off the security features on your credit card operation just isn't going to do the job.  You need big money donors to show you the money.And so it is for the most historic fundraiser ever, someone...

As noted yesterday, Richard Goldstone has recanted and regretted much of his report issued on behalf of the United Nations Human Rights Council accusing Israel of serious war crimes during the Gaza war.So how do we cleanse the world of the putrid stench of the...

KathleenOne of my favorite bloggers, Jeffrey Tucker, has an awesome article over at about what is at stake amidst the teen jobs crisis (only about 14 % of teens aged 17 have jobs):And so fewer and fewer people know anything about the workplace. They...

KathleenMy friend Steven is studying abroad in Berlin. In the past few weeks, Germany has been noticeably absent from the Libyan dilemma and Steve gives a pretty good explanation as to why:"Germans are actually a rather insular bunch of people who prefer to think about...

We're part way there, but that was the easy part.  The next 18 months will be, in the words of the sage, hand-to-hand combat.Spotted by reader Scott:(Please remember my caution about taking photos while driving.)--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Bumper Stickers - The SeriesFollow me on Twitter, Facebook, and...

KathleenCity Journal's Claire Berlinski has written a great article about the disinterest around Pavel Stroilov's 50,000 unpublished, untranslated, top-secret Kremlin documents dating from the close of the Cold War.journalists [have] initially shown interest in the documents, only to [say] later that their editors have declared...

From the HotAir homepage this afternoon:--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

The Citizens United case weighs very, very heavily on their minds and their bumpers.Spotted in Ithaca today:--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Bumper Stickers - The SeriesFollow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

The Report issued by Richard Goldstone on the Gaza war is the single most influential document in the arsenal of those around the world -- including on campuses in the United States -- who seek to demonize and delegitimize Israel. That Goldstone is Jewish gave supposed...

That apparently is where the case is heading.According to reports, the testimony before Judge Sumi this morning regarded, in part, the fact that the March 9 Senate Committee meeting to re-work the budget bill (because 14 Democrats had fled), took place in a small room...

KathleenThe Cornell Review began the week after Spring Break with esteemed Cornell alum, Keith Olbermann, stomping on a copy of February's publication and calling most conservatives stupid.So while the week started rough, today the Review team distributed a parody of our resident lefty-newspaper, The Cornell...