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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


And the whole world was watching:Who is responsible for the failure to launch? According to The NY Times, Palin of course:Another near certainty whenever Ms. Palin is involved: a media spectacle. Like I said, it practically writes itself.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the...


(By Michael Alan)As the mainstream media descends upon Juneau to do opposition research on someone who hasn't been governor for almost two years, a crucial development in the Weinergate story--about a sitting Congressman that may very well have pursued underage girls--is being completely ignored.Any one...

I saw this coming from a mile away.  Actually, from two months away.Obama insisted on a U.N. Security Council Resolution authorizing a no-fly zone in Libya.  But the U.S. and NATO attacks on Libya have exceeded the U.N. mandate.  What was hailed as a major...

(by Michael Alan)By now you've probably heard veteran campaign strategist Ed Rollins' comments about Sarah Palin:Sarah has not been serious over the last couple of years. She got the vice presidential thing handed to her. She didn't go to work in the sense of trying...

Why do I have this feeling that the back-stabbing and petty politics of the Republican insiders are going to leave me completely unexcited about the presidential campaign, and more focused on electing conservatives to Congress as a counterweight to the (hoped for) new Republican President?Fight...

The buzz is that Rick Perry has hired away some former Newt senior campaign staffers, and is giving serious consideration to jumping in the race.I truly don't know much about him.  So tell me about Rick Perry.Updates:  Since we're having comment function problems, I'll post...

(by Matthew Knee)Yale recently announced the closing of the The Yale Initiative for the Interdisciplinary Study of Antisemitism (YIISA), America's first academic institute to study anti-Semitism, citing a lack of scholarly output and student interest. The overall Jewish community, and some newspaper columnists, ...

I get so infuriated when Republicans pile on Sarah Palin not over policy but through personal insult because these people don't seem to understand that they are joining in a mob which eventually will come around to beat down their own favorite candidate.  And as of today,...

Isn't that what got him in trouble?That's all this is.  Irrelevant nonsensical measurements of supposed "authority" using some unknown computer formula which is the equivalent of "voodo blogometrics."  Forget I ever mentioned it.  It will be gone in a flash.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit...

...An adviser to Rep. Michele Bachmann sends over this fairly ruffles-smoothing statement: “The Congresswoman has nothing but admiration and respect for Governor Palin. The two enjoy a good friendship, and Rep. Bachmann looks forward to working with the Governor for the common goal of making...

This always happen.  I'm away from the internet for most of the day -- en route this time to my in-laws' 65th wedding anniversary weekend in Florida -- and stuff happens.Newt is on a cruise somewhere with the Mrs., and his staff resigns en masse.  Via...

Spotted by a reader in Cockeysville (not making that up), Maryland:(P.S., notice the photo was taken at a red light.  Nice.)--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

(by Matthew Knee)You might think so, from the "at least we aren't hypocrites" defense that comes up every time a Democrat is caught with his pants down where they shouldn't be.When liberals and the MSM (…but I repeat myself) amplify Republican sex scandals and minimize...

There were some delays, and last minute uncertainty as to how the Wisconsin GAB would rule on the frivolous claims of petition fraud, but the GAB late today certified that there are enough signatures for recalls against three Democratic State Senators, as reported by WisPolitics...

No, not the release of "the photo."  This:Weiner’s Wife Is PregnantTheir marriage has become the subject of intense speculation and scrutiny amid an embarrassing online sex scandal. Now, Representative Anthony D. Weiner and Huma Abedin are about to make news of a different kind: they...