No, not the release of “the photo.” This:
Their marriage has become the subject of intense speculation and scrutiny amid an embarrassing online sex scandal.
Now, Representative Anthony D. Weiner and Huma Abedin are about to make news of a different kind: they are expecting their first child.
Ms. Abedin, 35, is in the early stages of pregnancy, according to three people with knowledge of the situation.
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Uh oh. Here's where it gets weird. Meghan McCain: Anthony Weiner Tweeted Me.
How do we know it's his?
Sounds like a time for Weiner to "spend some more time with his family."
BlogDog said:
"How do we know it's his?"
Do you mean the weiner or the baby or both?
LukeHandCool (who is starting to feel left out … like he's the only person in the world Weiner didn't tweet. What am I, chopped liver? I pay my taxes, too!!!!!!!)
oh good lord, this is endless.
Hillary got Huma pregnant?
Congratulations. I hope that this man gets his head out of where ever he stuck it and decides to be a man for his child. Children deserve a pair of loving parents. Tony: It isn't about you, never has been, and is even less so now.
Perhaps Mr Weiner is suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?
How do we know it's true? Anonymous sources spill this just as the axe is about to fall. Strikes me as an Hail Mary Pass to buy him more time and make it easier to attack Breitbart. I don't credit it without more.
"Ms. Abedin, 35, is in the early stages of pregnancy, according to three people with knowledge of the situation."
Some friends!
If Mr. Weiner chooses to fight on, here is my unsolicited advice:
Appeal to the American people's sense of fairness; stress the fact that of the tens of thousands of photos you've taken of yourself and sent over the internet the last couple years … in upwards of 70% of those pictures you are fully clothed and that that should damn well account for something.
LukeHandCool (who, as a boy, saw up close the awful pain a husband's infidelity inflicts on a wife … and who, in all sincerity, hopes one day Mr. Weiner will look back on this day as a blessing in disguise … as a turning point in his life … but who, if Mr. Weiner's wife encourages him to keep fighting this … takes it all back immediately !!)
I hope Anthony Wiener doesn't resign and the dems circle the wagons around him and turn him into a pitiful victim. Like the late night comedians exclaim, how can we pass on the obvious best thing to come along in months (or years)? He'll either be toast in 24-48 hours or the symbol of the Democrat congress. Talk about a win/win situation!
Shrillery and a turkey baster or Bill and a cigar?
i doubt it's hot dog's because he's been acting like a desperate virgin, not a newlywed trying to put one in the oven.
but then again, i have doubts as to whether or not there even is a baby.
How do we know she is pregnant?
Isn't this convenient? Turn off the criticism, lest it hurt Huma. We're supposed to accept the assertion, of course. Is it true. Oh! Shut up! How terrible to question this! It’s really outrageous. The implication is outrageous. It's outrageous.
Democrat Donkey, smiling from ear to ear – "Wonderful!!! That's Wonderful!!! Now, when's the blessed event gonna be, Congressman?"
Weiner, a bit shy – "Next January, actually…"
Donkey, still smiling – "Nah! I mean YOUR resignation!!!"
Just what the world needs, a chimeric larva of a half-human, half-reptile life form. Right out of ancient Greek mythology.
He needs to be at home with the wife, minding the pretend baby. If there isn't one, then he can focus on his wife. He needs to leave.
I hope the baby never learns about this. What a cruel thing Weiner has done to his family.
It's not about the sex or the lying … it's about the stupidity.
After Rep. Christopher Lee (R-NY-26) quit for a bare-chested mistake, you'd think that any politician with a shred of sense would avoid a similar fate, but Rep. A. Weiner "embraced the horror"
Well, after reading the following, my charitable feelings are now gone. I no longer feel sorry for either one of them:
"Publicly humiliated Huma Abedin won’t ditch her lecherous husband, and is actually working overtime to help salvage his gravely wounded political career, a close friend told The Post.
She even hunkered down with disgraced Rep. Anthony Weiner in a New York hotel Monday night — an incredible show of support just hours after a blubbering Weiner confessed to three years of sleazy online flings…
"They are still talking all the time about what to do [to survive the scandal],’ the source said, adding that they plotted his political comeback while at the hotel."
LukeHandCool (who thinks the simple things in a simple life are best)
Weiner on wife support
"Publicly humiliated Huma Abedin won't ditch her lecherous husband, and is actually working overtime to help salvage his gravely wounded political career, a close friend told The Post.
She even hunkered down with disgraced Rep. Anthony Weiner in a New York hotel Monday night — an incredible show of support just hours after a blubbering Weiner confessed to three years of sleazy online flings."
NY Post
I hope Huma dumps him anyway. I know a lot of readers here like to attack HIllary (& Huma because of Hillary) but really, can't you see you are treating them the same way the PDSers treat Sarah Palin.
Stop attacking women in power under the belt. It just makes you look like a neanderthal.
I'm going to channel Andrew Sullivan here and state that until I see some VERIFIABLE ultrasounds AND a full term birth OF a kid that looks like at least one of them, then I call shenanigans.
It's. Just. Too. Convenient. knowhatimean?
Btw, I promise not to solicit for homosexual liasons here NOR grow a beard (or marry one or need one) and act all snarky every time Huma does or says anything (except the birthing).