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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



This Monday, Twitter suspended several accounts belonging to a prominent Texas conservative organization, Empower Texans, its staff, and another conservative organization, AgendaWise, created by a former employee. The best part? They received no notice or explanation of the suspension. Here's part of Empower Texans' official...

From my recent trip to San Francisco, something old, something new:  ...

Obama may be open to short term debt deal: The White House signaled Wednesday that President Obama could accept a short-term deal to raise the debt ceiling, but only if it appeared lawmakers were close to an agreement on a significant deficit reduction plan. Obama previously had...

Is that what you want? I'll give you gene pool destruction on such a vile, despicable, cowardly level that it will change the way you think forever: Gene Pool DestructionNow go home and pray for the survival of the species. Or not....

Senator Jim DeMint is circulating this video from the Club for Growth showing twenty (!) Senate Democrats pledging their support for a Balanced Budget Amendment. As a little bit of context, H.R. 2560 did pass with support from five House Democrats last night, so it's...

I will not be able to follow the debt bomb bombast today since it's a travel day back from the brink (a/k/a San Francisco). Have we sold out yet and declared victory?...

Via The Last Tradition, Rep. Joe Walsh gives it to Chrissy: ...

How pathetic is this. The Daily Caller is reporting as news that Public Policy Polling, a Democratic pollster which has a nasty habit of doing polling meant to generate anti-Republican headlines, and using skewed sampling, is dropping Tim Pawlenty from some of its polling questions. I don't really care...

I am amazed, once again, that liberals are not screaming at the tops of their lungs about Obama's proposal to extend the social security tax holiday for another year. I noted in October 2008, January 2009, and again in December 2010, that Obama seeks to end...

With the August 2 deadline quickly approaching, there's been a lot of talk about the debt plans bouncing around Congress - Paul Ryan's plan; Cut, Cap, and Balance; McConnell's divisive plan; Obama's largely nonexistent $4 trillion idea, etc. But there's another solution out there: the...

How we doin? Does the red go to the black, or the other way around?  And the yellow goes to the orange, or was it back to the red? We only have [fill in arbitrary number of days based on articial deadline] to figure it out.  But...

The Daily Caller is running a report that Michele Bachmann suffers from frequent severe migraines and is heavily medicated, rendering her incapacitated for days at a time.  The sourcing is entirely from anonymous former aides.  I don't know if the story is true, or even if...

At least if this NY Times report that the prosecution failed to disclose that crucial computer evidence contradicted the prosecutors' trial claims is true: The Orange County Sheriff’s Office had used the software to validate its finding that Ms. Anthony had searched for information about chloroform...