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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



The Norwegian car bombing and almost simultaneous shooting had all the hallmarks of an al-Qaeda operation.  As the first reports emerged, I suggested a wait and see approach. With the initial claim of responsibility from a known al-Qaeda group, the narrative seemed set and not particularly surprising;...

John Boehner has given up, for now, trying to negotiate a debt deal with Obama because Obama is insisting on a tax increase as part of any deal: "In the end, we couldn't connect. Not because of different personalities, but because of different visions for our...

Consider me a fan of Norway.  I traveled there extensively in my youth, and still have friends there.  It is a beautiful country, with a traditionally pro-American foreign policy.  It saddens me to see Norway have its version of the London bus bombings. Former congressional candidate...

Please do not pull out your hair when you watch this video, via The Boston Herald. As I have said before, this guy is an unusually good Bill Clinton. The debt has increased dramatically on his watch and that is a threat to our credit...

In an unsurprisingly dirty trick to avoid the optics of making his Democratic caucus vote to filibuster a bill supported by two thirds of Americans and that includes a balanced budget amendment they previously supported, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called a vote this morning...

Several readers have e-mailed me with links to the explosion in downtown Oslo, Norway, outside the Prime Minister's office. The explosion has all the indications of a car bomb, but reports are too preliminary to say. Rather than speculating, I'll wait until more is known. If it...

Mickey Kaus is tearing into Carl Bernstein for his hypocritical comments on the News of the World hacking scandal, noting that Bernstein used the 1970's equivalent of phone hacking to crack the Watergate scandal, using connections at the phone company to access phone private records,...

Former Rhode Island Governor Bruce Sundlun has died at age 91.  Sundlun was a dominant figure in Rhode Island politics, and a true Rhode Island character.  A WWII veteran who was shot down behind enemy lines in Europe, and who joined the Belgian resistence before working...

When word spread via leaks to The NY Times and others that there was the possibility of a debt deal being worked out between Obama and Boehner in which budget cuts would be frontloaded with no new taxes on "the rich," Democrats in the Senate rushed to scuttle...

Thanks to new commenter something for the link to this cartoon.  Pretty much sums up my life at this critical juncture in the history of the Republic. ...

Just saw this ad running on Fox News, from ...

Unions have collected enough signatures for a statewide referendum on election day 2011 seeking to roll back Ohio's collective bargaining reform bill. As reported by the Cleveland Plain Dealer: The fate of Senate Bill 5, Ohio's new collective bargaining law, will be in the hands of Ohio...

I have written several times about the ordeal of Widener Law Professor Lawrence Connell, who was given notice of dismissal after he used a hypothetical example in his criminal law class of the Widener Dean Linda Ammons being attacked, and a small number of students alleged that...

Speculation abounds, from The NY Times on down (or is it, on up?): The Obama administration has informed Democratic Congressional leaders that President Obama and Speaker John A. Boehner were starting to close in on a major budget deal that would enact substantial spending cuts and...