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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Thanks to Katie for helping out this afternoon with updates, as I was traveling. I've heard bits and pieces, and posted last night the tentative deal.  Apparently there will not be any vote tonight, which is a good thing to me because we should get to...


The Senate's cloture vote on Harry Reid's debt bill just failed 50-49. What now? McConnell says an agreement with President Obama is on the horizon: McConnell said he is “very very close to being able . . . to recommend to my members that this is something...

From the Powerline Prize competition (h/t Glenn Reynolds): ...

We don't know all the details of the negotiations between Mitch McConnell and the White House which apparently are closing in on an agreement, but one thing is clear, Harry Reid has become a sideshow. The master of the Senate was left to denouncing Mitch McConnell...

Thanks to reader Jeff for forwarding this link in response to the Drug Addict video I posted yesterday. I remember this video when it first surfaced, but it seems particularly timely to play it again: ...

Things seem, maybe, possibly heading towards some sort of debt ceiling deal negotiated by Mitch McConnell directly with the White House.  Harry Reid just took to the floor of the Senate to announce that the vote on cloture on his bill will be postponed from...

This is the latest in a serieson the use of the race card for political gain: Democrats in South Carolina are angry (h/t Instapundit) that Gov. Nikki Haley checked the box "white" on a voter registration card a decade ago: The South Carolina Democratic Party tried Thursday...

Forty three Republican Senators have signed a letter telling Harry Reid not to bother with his bill (do not click on link until you consider bonus question below): Forty-three GOP senators on Saturday signed a letter addressed to Senate Majority Harry Reid (D-Nev.) expressing opposition to...

A frequent commenter quoted this post by Erick Erickson at RedState: A week ago, the United States House of Representatives sent a bipartisan measure to the United States Senate where it fell five votes short of a majority. Today, John Boehner sent over legislation that couldn’t even...

I saw this ad on a Frank Luntz focus group segment last night on Hannity. The lines for both Democrats and Republicans went through the roof. ...

Senate just voted to table the Boehner bill. No surprise, but the vote was 59-41, which means some Republicans voted to table it.  (Added, the Republican votes to table were DeMint, Hatch, Lee, Graham, Vitter, Paul,) Claire McCaskill is complaining the Mitch McConnell told Harry Reid...

The third version of the Boehner bill just passed the House.  (218-210, 22 Republicans voted against, no Democrats voted for.) We are on the verge of a significant -- although not very satisfying or triumphal -- achievement. Now Harry Reid gets to do what he does best. The Senate...

I've posted before about nationwide redistricting gains by Republicans including in North Carolina. When you hear Democrats gripe how unfair this is, keep in mind California, where Democrats are likely to gain seats: The California Citizens Redistricting Commission approved new district lines Friday, setting off what is...

I received this note from a loyal reader: Tomorrow the family and I leave for a computer-free week at Cape May Point, NJ so I will be undergoing withdrawal from Legal Insurrection. There's no need to go through withdrawal.  You can subscribe to posts via e-mail:  Get Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion...