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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


This would be good, via WaPo: Much of the speculation about Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli’s political future has focused on whether the Republican who has made a name for himself suing the federal government would run for re-election, or for governor in 2013 But in an...


As readers know, I've been blogging about the Recall (Robert) Wirch effort for several months, long before the national media paid attention to the fact that there were Democratic State Senators in Wisconsin subject to recall. Here are links to some (but not all) of my...

The post yesterday Name That Bus Tour received a very good response in the comments, at Facebook and on Twitter. Here are the five I have selected as finalists in addition to Mitt Romney's original: The Magical Misery Tour (Mitt Romney) Tour de Farce (Facebook comment by Red...

... I would not have any time left for doing really important things, like responding to pretentious numbskulls who object to me spiking the football. Thanks to reader Helen for forwarding this video by Andrew Klavan regarding the "war is not the answer" bumper sticker.  I think the same...

Tuesday is the last round of recall elections in Wisconsin, in which Democratic Senators James Holperin and Robert Wirch are being challenged. The races are expected to be tight (h/t reader Charles): The Wisconsin recall fight ends Tuesday, and while the state Senate is no longer in...

Warren Buffett has an op-ed in The NY Times bemoaning the fact that he and other super-wealthy investors pay a lower percentage of their income in taxes than their secretaries and other lower-paid staff members.  This is an argument frequently heard from Democrats. But in making...

I see that Mitt Romney has dubbed Obama's bus tour the Magical Misery Tour. How about these alternatives: The Driving Through Flyover Country Tour. The "So This Is How The Common People Travel" Tour. The Make Sure They Don't Cling To The Bus Tour. The "This Bus Tour Created or Saved 2,000,000 Jobs"...

In dropping out when he did, Tim Pawlenty may have done his apparent foe Michele Bachmann a big favor.   From their past scuffles in Minnesota politics to their fiery confrontation at last week's debate to the fact that her defeating him in Iowa ultimately...

says The Wall Street Journal for a new candidate to enter the Republican race, since the current three leaders (Romney, Bachmann, Perry) are lacking: Republicans and independents are desperate to find a candidate who can appeal across the party's disparate factions and offer a vision of...

He may pull the internet away from you.  After all, he created it. Thanks to reader Linda from Tennessee for sending along this bumper sticker photo: ...

Once again, the mainstream media is chasing after Sarah Palin as she visits various part of the country. Just like her early summer bus tour, I can't help but laugh to see the likes of Chuck Todd breathlessly reporting such important events as Palin getting back in...

Via The NY Times: Tim Pawlenty, the former governor of Minnesota,  told supporters on a conference call Sunday morning that he is ending his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination after a disappointing third-place finish at the Iowa straw poll. Mr. Pawlenty thanked his supporters in an...

As you know, I have zero tolerance for Republicans who trash talk Sarah Palin.  Three years of Palin Derangement Syndrome have made me allergic; Palin stands apart from other Republican candidates in that regard. There is only one candidate in the Republican field whose campaign staff has used trash...

But today is not a work day, so we should be okay.  And it's a good thing the driver is from Maine and not Tennessee. Personally, I'm against profanity on bumper stickers.  Children could be watching. So I would have used the following wording instead:  "Obama:  The...