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Vote for “Name That Bus Tour”

Vote for “Name That Bus Tour”

The post yesterday Name That Bus Tour received a very good response in the comments, at Facebook and on Twitter.

Here are the five I have selected as finalists in addition to Mitt Romney’s original:

  1. The Magical Misery Tour (Mitt Romney)
  2. Tour de Farce (Facebook comment by Red Seewun)
  3. Rolling Plunder Tour (commenter retire05)
  4. Rolling Blunder Tour (commenter ClinkinKy)
  5. The GrAA+yhound Bus Tour (commenter Weimaraner)
  6. American Ayers-Lines (@Fenway_Nation)

Vote below.  Poll closes at 5 p.m. Eastern today:


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to the full extent allowed by law.


DINORightMarie | August 16, 2011 at 9:22 am

Hi!! I just saw a new one from UK BBC News: “the battle bus from Mordor.”

That one would be a good runner up to any winner of your poll!!

Wait! I didn’t get a chance to contribute! My suggestion is to call it the “America Under the Bus” tour.

That name has lts of thematic consistency with the rest of his presidency and it so accurately describes what he and the Democrats in Congress have done to us.

All are good choices! Had a hard time narrowing it down to one. I suppose if I were a Democrat, I would vote more than once.

Midwest Rhino (not RINO) | August 16, 2011 at 10:01 am

Magical Misery hits the unicorn factor AND the misery Obama has wrought, so it has my vote.

I’d add
“Putting America in the back of the Bus Tour”

shortwave8669 | August 16, 2011 at 10:25 am

“Rainbow Wishes and Unicorn Results”

Wjhat about Good Ship lollypop?

DINORightMarie | August 16, 2011 at 11:48 am

OT but related: this article talks about the nightmare motorcade that logically HAS to result for a POTUS doing this type of tour.

I wonder what the final cost to taxpayers (us) will be for this boondoggle?

Another suggestion: “The Nightmare Motorcade Bus Tour.”

Bad Luck Barry’s Blunder-bus Tour is rolling over America.

[…] as in gone completely bust. Just sayin’. from → Friday Funnies Roundup, McLuhan's Law, Reign of Error ← […]

Rolling plunder is pure Bastiat. Love it!

Obama’s Bust Tour.

…as in completely freakin’ bust.

Linked you. Cheers.

Remember on Animal House when they were failing out of school, faternity on double secret probation, the world crashing down, what do you do, ROAD TRIP!!!

alan markus | August 16, 2011 at 9:49 am


Stolen, one tag line.

Romney mocks Obama ‘Magical Misery Tour

Now featured on Drudge

texaswindchimes | August 16, 2011 at 4:54 pm

the “Phoney Express”

Now I know how Rick Santorum felt:)

I would like too add a new one to the poll “The blundering plunder tour”

It kinda says how he operates and what his true objectives are.

Toura Toura Toura