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As the nation was gripped by the George Zimmerman trial, over 50 people were shot in Chicago…many of them as young and black as the much publicized Trayvon Martin. With shootings seemingly so rampant, Chicago area parents are worried about the safety of their children. ...

The much ballyhooed efforts to repeal the Stand Your Ground law in Florida have suffered an ignominious and well-deserved death. An enormous and bi-partisan majority of Florida legislators —72%– this week overwhelmingly declined to hold a special session for the purpose of even debating the...

Yesterday the WSJ published an editorial on the Christopher Lane case: Some are focusing on the ease of obtaining a gun in the U.S., as (inevitably) is the reflexive CNN, and it would almost be a relief if we could blame such a murder on guns....

Via Amanda Turkel at Huffington Post comes news that The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence has released a video “reenactment” of the shooting of Trayvon Martin in order to encourage people to oppose “Stand Your Ground Laws”: The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence has released a...

We’ll be covering the second degree murder trial of Merritt Landry, who was charged with second degree attempted murder for his shooting 14-year-old Marshall Coulter (described as a “professional thief” by his brother in news reports). Coulter had scaled a spiked metal fence to enter...

Almost certainly. There couldn’t possibly be any other reason why they didn’t show her the $38,000 pocketbook: Seems like a case of Oprah upset at not being recognized as Oprah so … racist! Have you hugged your College Insurrection bloggers today? “Thank You Leslie and Aleister”...

It is perhaps inevitable that comparisons will be drawn between the  recently completed murder/self-defense trial of George Zimmerman in Florida and the just beginning travails of self-defense shooter Merritt Landry in New Orleans. Indeed, I’ve already begun to do so myself (see “Zimmerman Redux: The...

Of course, the two cases bear no resemblance at so many levels. But Oprah can’t help herself, and debases the memory of Emmett Till by comparing Till’s whistling at a white woman and subsequent beating death to the violence perpetrated by Trayvon Martin upon George Zimmerman who...

Hey folks, I just wanted to take a moment to drop a note sharing the news that Professor Jacobson has kindly invited me to continue blogging here at Legal Insurrection, and I have gratefully accepted. Of course, my frequency of posting won’t be at the...

That would be me. T-shirt idea:  “We engaged in institutional racism to fight white privilege, and all we got was more white privilege”: Elite colleges fail to enroll minority students T-shirt idea: “We threw money at the U.S. News rankings, and all we got were...

So now we have word that the Smithsonian is “eyeing” Trayvon Martin’s hoodie for its new branch, the National Museum of African American History and Culture. According to the branch’s director Lonnie Bunch: It became the symbolic way to talk about the Trayvon Martin case…It’s...