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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Thanks to reader Bronwyn, who saw this combination in Redding, CA. Note the language in the lower right hand corner of the Coexist bumper sticker from Profits help fight hunger, fascism and social injustice. Yeah, right after those profits pay your salaries and expenses. Oh, and by the...


This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: There is a curious argument used to paint the Tea Party movement and conservatives as racist. The argument goes that since slave owners and segregationists invoked states rights, and since the...

I've been receiving e-mails from readers in the past weeks insisting that Obama would kill the pipeline planned to bring "oil sands" oil from Canada to the U.S.  Given the Obama administration's policies to date, such expectation was reasonable. The environmental movement made the oil sands...

Looks like it was "just" a Category 1 when it hit North Carolina. I'll be interested to see what happens as it moves up the coast, because a shift East would be bad news for my home in Rhode Island.  We're not on the beach, but...

Thanks to reader Phil, who spotted this bumper sticker in Appleton, Wisconsin:  ...

Ben Bernanke gave a very lengthy answer to the question "why has the recovery from the crisis been so slow and erratic?," but Bernanke danced around the obvious: Why has the recovery from the crisis been so slow and erratic? Historically, recessions have typically sowed the seeds of their own recoveries...

It's lonely out here in independent blogger world, working for the greater glory not the greater paycheck. That's not to say bloggers who work for The Man are not independent thinkers and writers, but the pressures are there depending upon who The Man is: An escalating series of...

Thanks to frequent photographer Jason for this photo taken earlier this week in Greenville, NC: ...

I had heard this before, but stumbling upon it this afternoon, I thought it worth reprinting because few people are aware of it. It's the sentencing of shoe bomber Richard Reid by U.S. District Court (Massachusetts) Judge William Young in January 2003, in full: Mr. Richard C....

A ringing endorsement of Rick Perry from Kinky Friedman, with as many laughs per square inch as any endorsement I have ever seen (emphasis mine): I have been quoted as saying that when I die, I am to be cremated, and the ashes are to be thrown in...

Wisconsin Justice Ann Walsh Bradley accused Justice David Prosser of using an illegal "chokehold" on her.  At the time, I pointed out that if the charge was not sustained, and Bradley falsely had accused Prosser of using a potentially life threatening "chokehold," Bradley needed to step...

Steve Jobs is stepping down as CEO of Apple, likely for good. What a lesson Apple holds.  I've never bought an Apple computer or "device" (although I did get an iPod as a gift), but I'll never forget my amazement in law school in the early 1980s...

John Conyers (D-Mich), via The Hill, talking about West Virginia: “There’s a big campaign going on about how you clean coal, and we want to examine that as critically and fairly as we can, but here’s the problem: I’ve been to West Virginia, and that’s about...