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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


I guess that makes me a Scientologist, because I've posted repeatedly that Palin holds a special position because there is no one -- not even George W. Bush -- who has been the subject of the Democratic, mainstream media and left-blogosphere smear machine to the extent Palin has. So...


You want to see me spike the football so hard the earth will shake harder than in the D.C. Earthquake? You have not seen anything like what will take place here if Janis Kelly, Republican and unabashed Tea Party supporter, is elected Mayor of Ithaca.  You...

for bumper stickers in a foreign language, or in Spanish.  But I get the gist of this one just by trying to pronounce it. Thanks to reader John in Texas who writes: Recent reports have President Obama's popularity slipping in the Hispanic community. If this bumper sticker...

There's an interesting race shaping up in heavily Democratic NY9 to fill the seat vacated by Anthony Weiner (whose Twitter account was proven by the left-blogosphere to have been hacked by Andrew Breitbart, until it turned out it wasn't). Republican Bob Turner is facing off against Democrat...

Wisconsin Supreme Court Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson appears to have lost not only the confidence of some Justices on the Court, but the ability to lead the Court. The latest incident, in which (liberal) Justice Ann Walsh Bradley charged with fist raised at (conservative) Justice David Prosser,...

from overseas to the U.S.A. Good afternoon, all! I'm back from my summer at The Wall Street Journal Europe where I interned as a Bartley Fellow. I'm now in my senior year at Cornell & I will try to post here as much as I can as...

You know all about Rhode Island's pension and other fiscal problems stemming from an out-of-control public sector which made promises which could be kept only under the most rosy of scenarios, in a state almost completely controlled by unions: Is Rhode Island Our Future Under Obama? High...

Michele Bachmann is doubling down on Ed Rollins, even though health concerns (allegedly) are the reason he will not run her campaign on a day-to-day basis: Sources close to Rep. Michele Bachmann tell National Review Online that the Minnesota Republican has known for days that Ed...

This vehicle looks like a preview of the one liners in Obama's upcoming speech to a Joint Session of Congress. Thanks to commenter Stark who writes: I figured you'd get a kick out this one. This is one of the finer examples of what not to do to...

Obama seems to think that just what this country needs is a big fight over which party is more patriotic. At least that's the fight Obama is picking in his speech today in Detroit and reportedly in his upcoming speech to Congress and budget battle: “We’re going to see if...

From Senator Jim DeMint, some obvious points about Obama's complete lack of understanding of the job market (emphasis mine): "I spent most of m life in business,' DeMint told Glor, "and I'm hearing what the president is talking about, which are temporary incentives like giving a company...

Steve Benen, liberal blogger at Washington Monthly, feigns ignorance over why Jon Hunstman is getting so much love and air time from the mainstream media despite no apparent electoral support: The question then becomes why Huntsman, Mr. One Percent, is getting special treatment. I know, I know. Because Hunstman...

So she writes another "Obama's not all he was cracked up to be" column, and everyone is ready to stick a fork in him because MoDo says he's done. Pahleeeese.  This is what MoDo does.  Two weeks after Republicans nominate someone for president, she'll write a...

Well, kinda-sorta. Glenn Beck was in Israel recently rallying Christian Zionists with his "Restoring Courage" tour, and while most of the discussion about his trip was the usual anti-Christian-conservative rhetoric from liberal Jews who don't want to be associated with "those people," Beck's trip marked a...

Thanks to reader Joseph from Jacksonville, who spotted this vehicle in Alameda, California, while on vacation this summer: (Some background on the Texas Oil sticker in a prior post.)...

I know exactly where Sen. Jim DeMint is coming from,  Obama speech to Congress 'going to be hard for me to watch': “Frankly I am so tired of his speeches, it's going to be hard for me to watch,” said DeMint on CNN’s State of the...