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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Various and sundry: John Hinderaker finishes up his take-down of the Bloomberg hit piece on the Koch Brothers. We are on a track, just not the right track - CBO: Deficit is on track to be $1.3 trillion. If he had focused more on Windmills! and less on...


to judge bad ideas is to look at how many Princeton philosophy and Columbia professors support it...

that never rings, and the e-mail account that never pings, from politicians seeking my highly influential support. Via AP, Romney, Perry try to recruit Christie, Palin fans: Rivals Rick Perry and Mitt Romney are furiously scurrying to recruit heartbroken holdouts who had hoped GOP celebrities Chris Christie...

Large law firms. Oh sure, they'll give thousands of pro bono hours fighting for the rights of Gitmo detainees, but remember why they are Large law firms. They have Large corporate clients including Large Banks and Large Investment Banks and Large Broker-Dealers who pay them Large Legal Fees so they...

Felix Salmon (h/t HotAir) ...

Been in the car all morning. What did I miss? Herman Cain black enough for Lawrence O'Donnell yet? Kathleen Parker and David Frum mourning the loss of their sole source of attention? #OccupyWallStreet? Tell me what I need to know....

What is David Frum going to do now that Sarah Palin is not running? What linguistic stunts can he pull to drive traffic to his website?  Who is he going to call a grifter and con artist in order to make himself feel relevant and edgy,...

This is the second time this week a reader has e-mailed me referencing one of my early blog posts, the first being “I still remember your ‘death to the Kulaks’ post from a while back!” Thanks to a reader from Seattle who e-mailed me last night...

There have been over 200 bumper sticker posts since the first post on June 24, 2010. We have covered the 1st, 2nd and 10th Amendments numerous times, but never the 3rd Amendment.  You know, the one that says, umm, you know, yeah I took Con Law...

I'll admit I don't understand all the intricacies of the U.S. Senate Rules, but moments ago Harry Reid pulled the "nuclear option" in order to prevent Republicans from forcing Senate Democrats to vote on Obama's jobs bill. As reported by The Hill (h/t Marathon Pundit): In a shock...

The anti-1% street agitation is the fulfillment of a process we have seen unfold since Obama's 2008 campaign, a process by which a group of various definitions of wealth is isolated and targeted for demagoguery. It was the Top 5%, then the Top 2%, now it's...

The smear is long gone from the front pages, but will live on forever in Rick Perry's campaign: “I know for a fact that in 1984, that rock was painted over. It was painted over very soon, my family did that.” Silly you, Rick, you thought WaPo...

The silent majority. The ones who pay the bills, and the taxes, and the tuitions, and the pensions, and the benefits, for the people who falsely claim to be the 99%. The ones who did not graduate from the school of perpetual expectations and handouts. The ones who...

Tea Party = Terrorists OccupyWallStreet = Heroes...