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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Tonight is the Republican Debate at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. Everyone is expecting fireworks. We'll see. To comment in the live feed please register in the CoverIt-Live box using OpenID (Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Your Legal Insurrection registration will not work....


Tonight there will be a live blog here for the debate, starting at 9 p.m. Eastern (probably will turn it live closer to 8:30). Until then, here's a running list of stuff of interest: Glenn Greenwald is upset that I've been calling him out repeatedly, so he's...

Mitt Romney has to attack Newt tonight at the debate.  If he doesn't, and rests on television interviews and what his surrogates have done the past few days, Romney will be Tim Pawlenty, who was not willing to confront Romney on "Obamneycare" in person. If I were Newt,...

You owe us, and we want our fair share of all that money you are raising online. You built a campaign out there? Good for you. But I want to be clear: you moved your message to market on bandwidth the  rest of us paid for; you hired workers...

Every now and then I stumble upon a column which says exactly what I had been thinking but had not yet written. Christian Whiton absolutely is on target as to the reasons behind the collective and almost uniform piling on of Newt by the Republican pundit and political class...

Listen up.  I'm sick and tired of your feel good faux-profundity. Does it make you feel good to buy those $4 lattes at Gimme Coffee?  Maybe you should put this bumper sticker on the car too. Spotted by an LI student reader in the Collegetown section of Ithaca: ...

Via The Fix, two prominent Iowa supporters of Newt Gingrich held a phone conference late this afternoon with the press in which they pushed back against the attacks on Newt: Iowa supporter of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich assailed Mitt Romney’s negative attacks, even as the...

Doings today that didn't quite fit a full post: Smitty is having none of that crap National Popular Vote proposal.  I posted about this very bad idea back in October.  If it ain't broke, don't fix it; and if it is broke, don't make it so...

Repeal of sodomy, bestiality ban sparks fight on Defense bill: As the final Defense authorization bill gets hammered out in conference committee, one surprising issue is riling both social conservatives and animal rights activists: the repeal of a ban on sodomy and bestiality...

We'll never know now, will we?  And it's ancient history, right? We have substituted speculation and conjecture for proof.  Such as, the woman who says she had a 13 year affair with Cain says they went to the Tyson-Holyfield fight together.  Cain denies it.  It's a provable/disprovable...

ABC is hosting a debate Saturday night.  I'll be live here. Should be fun.  Let's see if Romney has the guts to confront Newt face to face with all the "crazy" talk being spread about Newt by Romney's campaign, surrogates and supporters, and if he can...

The decision of the National Labor Relations Board to prevent Boeing from relocating some manufacturing to South Carolina was hailed as a necessary step to punish anti-union retaliation by the company. It all was a mere tool to give uthe machinists' union greater bargaining power, which it then used...

Rick Santorum was right about the rank hypocrisy of GOP candidates who seek Donald Trump's endorsement but will not appear at the NewsMax debate because Trump is the moderator: “Many of my opponents jockeyed to be the first to fly up to New York and use...

The attacks on Newt Gingrich from the Romney campaign and it supporters in the Beltway political and media echelons have become quite personal. The fervor reminds me not so much of a heated argument on the merits, but of a child custody proceeding in which Romney seeks...

That was the subject line on an email from reader Cathy, who writes: When Obama supporters can't afford new bumper stickers. Red marker over the year. Saw this in Longwood Florida today. We were at a stop light. :)  ...