Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2462
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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


The Doomsday Poll results are in. Ron Paul met the most opposition, with by far the highest percentage of votes for staying home or voting for Obama in the general election.  Second, with less than half as much opposition, was Mitt Romney. There was some funny business as to...


Charles Krauthammer said Newt Gingrich was speaking like a "socialist" because Newt, responding to Mitt Romney's demand that Newt give back the consulting money he earned from Freddie Mac, said that he'd consider it if Romney gave back the money he earned from bankrupting companies...

Ann Coulter was on Hannity last night, and it was embarrassing.  (Video embed at bottom of post) Coulter stumbled trying to explain why she declared Romney a sure loser against Obama at CPAC in February of this year. First she said Obamacare changed her mind about Romney,...

Thanks to frequent photographer Matt, who writes: I've been waiting to send this one in. Every imaginable bumper sticker via the liberal meme on a Prius with a CU license plate. What struck me was the Marines sticker. Being the time of giving with Christmas and Hanukkah,...

Following up on my post this morning regarding whether conservatives and libertarians would stay home or support Obama if Newt were the Republican nominee, I wonder which if any of the other candidates generates such feelings. So, here is the Doomsday Poll, in two parts.  First, which...

Today's doings: If this PPP poll is accurate (and you know I have a concern about PPP), then the negative ads being run against Newt are having a big effect in moving Newt lower and Ron Paul higher.  I'd like to see some more before jumping...

And we try to deal with as much of it as we can here at Legal Insurrection. In fact, in the coming week there will be a couple of law students to help me -- between semesters -- cover the Iowa caucuses, New Hampshire, and...

There has been plenty of griping and talk by Tea Partiers that if Romney is the nominee, they're staying home in November. I don't believe it for a second.  When push comes to shove, they will not choose four more years of Obama. But I do believe...

Now he has to vote for Ron Paul as a third-party candidate even if Romney is the nominee, and has to call Romney supporters racist too. This was 2002, "My views are progressive."  (h/t @Allahpundit) ...

As part of his campaign to paint Newt Gingrich as crazy, Mitt Romney has focused on Newt's statement that the Palestinians were an "invented" people.  Romney argued at the Drake University debate Saturday night that Newt had used "incendiary words" which would "create extraordinary tumult" and said "I'm not a...

Carl in Jerusalem screams "OMG - He Can't Be Serious," regarding this video: Carl, you're a lawyer. In order to commence suit in court for return of the drone, demand must be made and the persons in possession of the drone must be given a reasonable opportunity to return...

Or does Fumblama work better? Thanks  for the photo to reader Robert who writes: Found in Cape Coral, FL. Stopped at light, fumbled to get. I read every day. Keep up the good work. ...

I have linked to posts by Caroline Glick since the early days of this blog.  Glick is one of the clearest voices on the dangers to Israel and the highly negative effects of Obama administration policy. Glick has weighed in on Newt's comments about the Palestinians...

The debate is scheduled for 4 p.m. Eastern.  [Added, full debate video embedded at bottom of post, it's 1 hour and 20 minutes long] WMUR in New Hampshire, CNN, and Huntsman's website are supposed to have the livestream.  If I can get an embed code, I will.  There...

Here are some things going on: Correlation or Causation? Supreme Court to take Arizona immigration law case, Kagan recuses herself.  Some of See my prior post.  Court previously upheld in part unrelated Arizona E-verify law. Why Romney is wrong and Gingrich is right on capital gains taxes. Confirmed that drop...

Mitt Romney's campaign has been moving negative on Newt for well over a week with a strategy to portray Newt as crazy, but since Romney's debate debacle Saturday night and more polling showing Newt with a crushing lead almost everywhere, the Romney campaign now is...

The Israelis want to rebuilt a foot bridge called the Mugrabi bridge.  The original bridge collapsed in 2004, so the Israelis built a temporary bridge which now is unsafe. Both Hamas and the Palestinian Authority are claiming that replacing the bridge is an attack on the al-Aksa...