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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Voting takes place 7-7 tomorrow in S.C. We'll have updates throughout the day starting at noon, and then coverage beginning at around 6:30 until the results are final.  Will probably handle it similar to N.H., with resultes posted as they come in, rather than a Live...


From the kind folks at BuzzFeed Politics, A Message For Mitt Romney  (bold in original): Today Mitt Romney left reporters from online outlets (The Huffington Post, Politico, and BuzzFeed) off of his campaign plane. We thought we'd provide a friendly reminder to Governor Romney and his...

You've been warned before. The devil in Obamacare is not in the 2000 pages, its in the regulations to be promulgated.  For every page, expect several regulations.  It will push up the cost of health insurance and suffocate the private insurance markets as a result. When cost...

Rick Santorum disqualified himself last night at the debate by his response to John King's question to Newt about the ABC News interview with Newt's ex-wife. The issue was more than just another issue, whether it was the Newt-Freddie consulting, Romney's tax returns, or Santorum's election...

If there is a place which has more tawdry political practices, I'm willing to be convinced. But until further notice, South Carolina still is in lead, as reported by FITS News : Double irony alert:  FITS News is the publication which claimed Nikki Haley had an affair. Update: ...

Things going down (not in the depraved freak sense): Newt's tax returns show 32% rate. Tim Scott not happy with Romney position on tax returns. Left-wing blogger says Newt "understands the Republican id perfectly," which is why he's feared, in my opinion. Mitt defends ...

Be careful, very careful, about embracing anything Stephen Colbert or Jon Stewart or Saturday Night Live or any of the other liberal entertainment media types do. Sometimes it is very, very funny.  Stewart in particular is an equal opportunity mocker, and seems the least malicious of...

Via WaPo: All told, Obama held four fundraisers in New York on Thursday, flying here after unveiling a new proposal in Orlando, related to boosting tourism. While his four remaining Republican rivals held another televised debate in South Carolina, Obama was filling his war chest by talking...

Last night ABC News aired the much ballyhooed interview with Marianne Gingrich, Newt's ex-wife. The ballyhoo was not warranted.  The "interview" was not so much an interview as an 8-minute ABC News attempt to portray Newt in an unfavorable light interspersed with very short clips of...

More thanks to reader Danelle in Electra, Texas: Ronnie Wilson opened up his print shop over 30 years ago. He mostly prints signage for the locally owned oil field operations and trucking companies. He's also known to put out bumper stickers and signage reflecting current political...

Endgame assessment: Newt stole the buzz with the opening smackdown of John King over the issue of his ex-wife. After that Santorum was very aggressive, going after both Romney and Newt time and again; people either will like it or hate it. After a while...

My predictions: Rick Santorum is angry, and as I have said before, Rick Santorum does angry much better than even Newt does angry. He's in a no win situation -- if he scores enough points to damage Newt, he hands the SC election to Romney and...

Some things which got pushed aside for the breaking breaking news: When Mitt's lost National Review on releasing tax returns now. Ann Coulter is sounding more and more like Marianne Gingrich. Hezbollah receiving more powerful, longer range missiles from Syria. Hyperbole in defense of Bain is a vice, don't...

I was wondering when someone would bring out the Mike Huckabee line from the 2008 campaign, when he was attacked by Romney much the way Romney attacked Newt in this election cycle. Romney always starts it.  He did it in Iowa in December 2007 against Huckabee...

There's more to the story than you are hearing in the media.  Marianne Gingrich is no innocent, and she was the one who broke the marriage and cleaned out the house, via Robert Costa via AP report from 1999 (h/t Burke): Documents related to the divorce filed Friday in Cobb County...

Full speech by Rick Perry withdrawing from the race and endorsing Newt. If you want just the section endorsing Newt, it's here, but I recommend listening to the whole speech, it's worth it. The Perry endorsement is huge not because Perry had a large percentage (although even...