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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


I've been trying to articulate the way to engage with OWS-sympathizers for the past few weeks. It's hard to write-off some aspects of the OWS gripes: some sectors have seen an inordinate amount of favoritism from the government while a lot of the middle class...


I previously posted about Connie Mack IV's decision to run for the Senate, and wondered what his chances would be. Looks like they are pretty good, according to Rasmussen: Republican Congressman Connie Mack changed his mind late last month about challenging longtime Democratic Senator Bill Nelson in...

Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), who has been vicious in his attacks on opponents of Obamacare, is accused of insider trading in the days before the October 2008 market crash: Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island also made a  flurry of trades in the days after the Paulson-Bernanke meeting with ...

I have started watching videos from the earlier days of Newt and Romney.  I wasn't politically conscious in 1994, so much of this is new to me. I find the contrasts interesting, including this short clip of Romney running from "the time of Reagan-Bush," and the somewhat...

I have been warned almost since I started blogging that one of these days I would show up on University of Chicago Law School Professor Brian Leiter's radar and that his world-renowned pettiness and nastiness would be visited upon me. But at least I'm in good...

Shocking breaking news -- Newt Gingrich's health care policy consulting firm earned consulting fees from health care companies interested in health care policy! Shocking breaking news -- Water is wet. Shocking breaking news -- Taylor Marsh has harsh words about Sarah Palin. Shocking breaking news -- some guy who loves...

It's easy to pick on the EU's operation in Brussels. When they aren't spending six figures on cocktail parties, they choose to spend their time whining or condemning things normal people don't even think to discuss. For example: Brussels bureaucrats were ridiculed yesterday after banning drink...

Detroit becomes Central Falls. Can you say "bailout"?  (h/t reader Thomas) Watch the latest video at

First the good news, completely unconfirmed but great to speculate about: Is the Stuxnet computer malworm back on the warpath in Iran? Exhaustive investigations into the deadly explosion last Saturday, Nov. 12 of the Sejil-2 ballistic missile at the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Alghadir base point increasingly to...

Newt Gingrich got "mic checked" while giving a speech in Iowa Jacksonville, FL, via Raw Story (h/t @BillHobbs): The activists began to chant something about “the 99 percent” before being drowned out by tea party supporters. “Hold on,” Gingrich told the crowd. “I want to answer you very...

that Ann Barnhardt issued the following statement (emphasis in original)(h/t reader Charles): Dear Clients, Industry Colleagues and Friends of Barnhardt Capital Management, It is with regret and unflinching moral certainty that I announce that Barnhardt Capital Management has ceased operations. After six years of operating as an independent...

Jennifer Rubin needs an intervention.  Someone needs to convince her to stop beclowning herself in the Mittquest, Gingrich: The phony intellectual: When many in the mainstream media and far too many conservatives who should know better swoon over [Newt's] pronouncements, the cannier on the right and left...

Elizabeth Warren claimed to have provided the intellectual foundation for the Occupy movement, and of course, articulated one of the most pure redistributionist rationales which made her a hero of the Occupy movement. But Warren has found a place she does not want Occupied, her employer Harvard...

Makes perfect sense.  Both car owners believe in freedom for all, but only one is willing to do something about it. Thanks to reader Joel who writes: Seen today as I walked to my car in the parking lot in Westlake Village (Ca). Of course, just next to...

Trying my best to break the headlock Newt, Romney and Cain have placed on this blog. The rest of the world is falling apart: Who coulda predicted:  Israel watches as world rejects strict sanctions on Iran Only 4% of Republicans trust Michele Bachmann with a nuke. Mayhem Some guy said something...

The California Supreme Court has just resolved a major procedural issue as to Prop. 8, which codified the "one man, one woman" definition of marriage into the California Constitution after the California Supreme Court held that there was a state constitutional right for same-sex marriage. The...