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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Richard Viguerie has an interesting observation regarding the methodology of Ron Paul's campaign intended to leave Paul as the last not-Romney standing, Ron Paul Goes Bird Hunting: Experienced bird hunters and fighter pilots know you don’t aim for the leader of a flight -- you start...


Operation Counterweight commenced on June 10, 2011: Why do I have this feeling that the back-stabbing and petty politics of the Republican insiders are going to leave me completely unexcited about the presidential campaign, and more focused on electing conservatives to Congress as a counterweight to...

I'll wait for some more polling before drawing any conclusions, but the most recent South Carolina poll by Insider Advantage has Romney ahead of Newt by 2 percentage points, via The Hill: Despite a historic sweep of the first two nominating contests in the GOP field,...

The "finest example"? Them's some mighty big shoes to fill, but this might just do it. Thanks for this now-classic from reader JanT, who writes: You're doing a great job with the blog, sir, and I especially like your commentary, not to mention the fun bumper sticker...

From The NY Times: While his campaign advisers generally agree that Mr. Romney must explain his work at Bain, they are wary of engaging in an exhaustive public examination of the nearly 100 deals he was involved in, anxious that it could bog him down in...

I previously have posted about the RI-01 congressional race, which is my home district, a seat currently held by Democratic former Providence Mayor David Cicilline. Cicilline concealed Providence financial problems until after the 2010 election.  Cicilline ran a "scare grandma" campaign, making a tour of senior centers...

This was read by Rush Limbaugh on air today. Romney likens work at Bain Capital to Obama’s auto industry bailout: “In the general election I’ll be pointing out that the president took the reins at General Motors and Chrysler – closed factories, closed dealerships laid off thousands...

it turns: How Romney won New Hampshire.  It's the (supposed) electability, not conservatism, stupid. Bad signs for GOP.  Why do you hate capitalism? Another Iranian nuke scientist goes down.  And I don't mean what you think I mean, you depraved freaks. Have you noticed that Fox News turned negative...

I knew that my position on Bain Capital would fray some relationships in the conservative blogosphere, but this post by Don Surber took me by surprise, Why Republicans Oppose Capitalism: Newt and Rock Perry are trying to divide the party in a way I never imagined. I thought the...

Funny, when Mitt Romney and his supporters played Mediscare against Rick Perry on social security and class warfare on capital gains tax rates for those making over $200,000 per year, I don't recall a chorus of objections that Romney was using leftist rhetoric and giving ammunition...

It's fading fast.  We may get a change, but it's not what I hoped. Another one from Linda in Tennessee, taken at the (in)famous Lowe's parking lot in Nashville: ...

Mitt Romney won the New Hampshire primary.  While the results are not final as of this writing, it looks like he comes in at 37-38%, with about the same total number of votes as in 2008. Here are the tweets of the night, bitter and otherwise. Tora...

89% Reporting Romney 39.1% Paul 23 Huntsman 16.9 Gingrich 9.5 Santorum 9.4 ----------------------------- Interesting: Gingrich was the target of 96% of negative super PAC spending between Iowa and N.H.  But Newt's the angry nasty one, rights? Romney's argument on electability was an important factor with voters. Romney is on target to get about same...

Some things to mull as we await the close of the polls in New Hampshire at 8 p.m. Eastern.  A new results post will go live at about 7:30 p.m. Eastern.  I'm going to handle it in a manner similar to the NY-09 night, not...