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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



Israel reportedly has been under cyber attack by Anonymous, although the lethality of the attacks is questioned: Anonymous, the loose coalition of hackers waging war on Israeli Web sites, is the least of Israel’s cyber problems. Its campaign against Israel is a minor annoyance compared with...

Israel caught Hamas off guard.  While Hamas reasonably could have expected retaliation for stepped-up missile fire, it did not anticipate the nature of the retaliation -- the assassination of the head of Hamas' military wing and the bombing of numerous long-range missile depots. The lesson of Lebanon...

After election day in Utah-04, Democrat Jim Matheson was ahead of Mia Love by 2,646 votes. But there were approximately 72,000 provisional and absentee ballots yet to be counted.  The results for the final canvass are being released today.  We will update. Thx @nra and @uschamber 4...

In the last remaining Operation Counterweight race to be decided, Republican challenger David Rouzer trails incumbent Mike McIntyre by the narrowest of margins. Of the more than 300,000 votes cast in North Carolina's 7th Congressional District, McIntyre leads Rouzer by just 655 votes. The Rouzer campaign released...

I bet you didn't realize that conservative media was to blame for Mitt Romney's loss by about 3% of the total vote, much closer in swing states. That's the story line at Buzzfeed Politics, How The Conservative Media Lost The Election.  It is a story with barely a dissenting...

So says Paul Richter in the Los Angeles Times: The increasingly bloody conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip is threatening the Obama administration's plans to reinvigorate its Middle East diplomacy, creating new obstacles across the region as the president prepares for his second...

Early this morning Allen West released a statement conceding the race after his attempt to obtain a full recount lost any realistic chance. Based on his team's analysis there were not enough disputed or suspicious votes to overcome the approximately 2000 vote lead. As indicated yesterday from...

Obama Enjoys Surge in Positive Coverage the Last Week of the Race; Attention to Romney Drops: In the final week of the 2012 presidential campaign, Barack Obama enjoyed his most positive run of news coverage in months, according to a new study by the Pew Research...

As noted the other day, Hostess is seeking lidquidation of its operations rather than trying to emerge out of bankruptcy as a going concern because it could not negotiate the union concessions it said it needed. But there may be a White Knight on the Horizon,...

Marco Rubio is on the short list of Republican presidential contenders for 2016.  Of course, that's a long way away, so who knows if he remains on the short list. So Rubio's a target even more so than in the past couple of years. Every question...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s Facebook page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...

Thanks to the many readers who use the links in the sidebar for shopping. It doesn't cost you anything, but a small percentage gets paid to Legal Insurrection. Considering all the big plans we have for next year (the tease) we really could use...