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I guess Democratic Congressman Jim Matheson running against Mia Love in the new Utah-04 district is a moderate compared to Nancy Pelosi.  His claim to moderation is that on a small number of key votes he has voted against his party, but not when his vote mattered....

Young Guns Super PAC might need to adjust its “decision matrix.” Chagrined after the Young-Guns-endorsed Lugar was defeated by challenger Mourdock, and then caught up in the messy ouster of the most conservative congressman in Illinois, Don Manzullo, they are now saddled with the news...

Their War On Women Moe Lane updates on the Susan G. Komen Foundation’s fundraising problems resulting from the left-wing boycott of Komen after Komen dropped sponsorship of Planned Parenthood, but then caved in to pressure and let go a top executive: The first explanation is...

Mitt Romney: Santo’s not conservative enough to be Veep (h/t Uncle Samuel): “Well that would preclude, of course, Rick Santorum,” Romney said. “Because, I mean, look at his record. I find it interesting that he continues to describe  himself as the real conservative. This is...

Why Madison has become the weird news capital of the Midwest.  (h/t Dan Collins)  Of the Midwest? How about of the nation? Weirdest Correction of the Day.  They are so precise in everything they do. Democrats Are Praying for a Santorum Nomination.  SoccerDad says I’m going...

I posted last night and again this morning that Rick Santorum had a terrible debate. But it’s fair also to point out that many of the shots Romney scored on Santorum were cheap shots, as pointed out by George  Neumayr at The American Spectator (h/t reader...

Seems like most of the conservative blogosphere is at CPAC.  I haven’t ever done CPAC.  I’m a loner by nature, the type of rugged individualist that made this country great.  But I digress. This video by Robert Stacy McCain made me feel car sick from...

Kathleen Mitch Daniels is down in DC today during his tour of three days “beyond the Hoosier State after the end of Indiana’s legislative session, which was capped by Daniels’ decision to sign a controversial bill that would cut off federal funding for Planned Parenthood...

New civility means apologizing once you’ve suggested that someone who disagrees with you should have not been born. Keith Olbermann, the most vitriolic Cornell alum I can think of, has been on a roll: former MSNBC host and Current TV’s chief news officer Keith Olbermann,...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: This is the first post in this series to focus on the use of the race card by both sides of a dispute, call it “race card v....

When the NY Times takes Obama to task, I am always a little suspicious. Will this be a “he’s not perfect, but at least he’s not Bush” type of critique; a compliment disguised as a criticism. So I don’t know what to make of this...