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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


It's the fight the media is waiting and hoping for. What better sport than to start an intra-party Republican presidential nomination fight almost 4 years before the next presidential election and 3 years before the primaries. But it's inevitable, so if not now, when to start the...


Not just economically, but in academia as well. From a reader send after the fiscal cliff vote: Seen at the Toco Hills shopping center in Atlanta, Georgia - The only bright spot in my day after the disappointment last night. If you use this, please publish this anonymously...

Andrew Sullivan: And so, as we contemplated the end of our contract with the Beast at the end of 2012, we faced a decision. As usual, we sought your input and the blogosphere's - hence the not-terribly subtle thread that explored whether online readers will ever...

Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL) returned to the Capitol today almost one year after he suffered a stroke. In a series of interviews with selected press, the Senator said that he would have voted against the fiscal cliff legislation, saying it was "overweighted with spending," but...

Bringing you another tale of citizen insurrection on the streets of Chicago, after our city, the most gun-controlled in the nation, ended the year with 532 murders. This time, at a meeting to discuss housing foreclosures and the corrupt system of redevelopment contracts, local grassroots...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here.   Branco’s  page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...

The Senate passed a pork-laden Sandy Relief bill: Hurricane Sandy relief bill “pork” complaints is reportedly a sticking point fiscally conservative lawmakers. The $27 billion relief legislation crafted to offer Super Storm Sandy disaster aid will reportedly be stalled until after the Congressional session, which ends...

Comedian Bassem Youssef has been called Egypt's Jon Stewart. While Stewart doesn't always endear himself to those he aims his political satire at, there aren't many who would seek to put him in jail for his jokes. Yet as the world embarks on the first days of...

Coming up very soon.  Doesn't seem like much doubt will pass. The bill passed 257-167. Boehner and Ryan voted for it. Cantor and McCarthy against. John Boehner is a yes vote for the deal.— Jim Antle (@jimantle) January 2, 2013 The Bush tax cuts lapsed at...

No one can type as fast as Twitter, so I'm embedding my Twitter "fiscal cliff" feed below. The big news this afternoon is that House Majority Leader Eric Cantor apparently is opposing the Senate bill in its current form. Senate Democrats are saying they will not take up...

We have seen this movie before. A contrived crisis causes a rush to a vote before any legislator or the public has time to read and understand a bill which will have a profound effect on the nation for years if not decades. That's what happened...

From reader 9thDistrictNeighbor: Dear Professor, The attached billboard from WCPT-AM (“Chicago’s Progressive Talk”) popped up shortly after the election. The billboard is actually a fantastic buy, as on an hourly basis and by virtue of its location way off the Kennedy Expressway (I-94) it reaches far more...

Details just coming out, vote in Senate expected tonight. Looks like the number is 400/450k for tax increases and delay of sequester automatic spending cuts for two months. More when the details are confirmed. Update: Details on the deal, which apparently will go to a vote in the...